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OK, what the heck?

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Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
I know I'm not new, but I think someone got my password. You see, I never subscribe to threads, but I looked at my CP and it said I was subscribed to 2, 1 which I didn't even know. What's going on here?


Hehe I hacked into your computer and got your password. I'm so evil! That was not true. Remake your password. Make it some random number that you can remember.

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
I suck at memory.......so it's really simple........................but, how can I know who did it?


I suck at memory.......so it's really simple........................but, how can I know who did it?

You take a good look in your bathroom mirror...:/


sometimes the forum auto subscribes you to threads you post in or something. it's happened to me to, but it's not a sign of being hacked.

trust me, if you we're hacked, chances are you'd be banned for all sorts of stuff that hackers tend to do.

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
But one of them was actually closed. I just changed it, though.

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
I didn't even post there when I looked at it.


true love
There's one simple solution to this: change your password and unsubscribe to them then. Well, that might be taken as two, but whatever. If that doesn't work, it's probably best to report it to an administrator or something... whose name are italicised & bolded.

Also, maybe it's a forum glitch, but did you try refreshing? Still, just change your password for security reasons and unsubscribe from those two threads. Report by PM to an administrator if it continues or if things seems way too suspicious (as in you never visited those auto-subscribed threads).

//Closing. Any more questions, you can PM it to me instead, I guess.
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