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OKay another question


Queen of Charizards!
Sorry if this is a stupid question but what is the difference between the English and Japanese anime in Pokemon. I know that the languages are different. Is there anything the Japanese version has that was deleted in the English Anime. I know in Yugi-oh, there was one episode I saw online in captions that the word ******* (sorry about that) was said. PLease tell me the differences in POkemon


Well-Known Member
Sorry if this is a stupid question but what is the difference between the English and Japanese anime in Pokemon. I know that the languages are different. Is there anything the Japanese version has that was deleted in the English Anime. I know in Yugi-oh, there was one episode I saw online in captions that the word ******* (sorry about that) was said. PLease tell me the differences in POkemon

Dogasu, a mod in this forum, has a homepage with episode comparisons.


I think it is the best to look around the site a bit. you´ll see that there are changes. but they aren´t on the YuGiOh-level.

( added lines, changed dialogues, time cuts, paint edits etc.)

You know that Yugioh was butchered down by 4kids, do you?


Queen of Charizards!
I will look into this on my own time. Thank you all. If you like, post some examples here.
http://www.yu-jyo.net/index.php <- a very good yugioh-episode comparison homepage.

They changed names, the look of the cards, all of the music, changed the storyline, hide every sign of death, butchered some characters and the good old paint edits of course.
Plus the Shadow Relem was invented for the dub (Shadow games existed just not the Shadow Relem) and not to mention the Heart of the cards was superly hyped up.

And don't even get me started on how they messed up Valon ¬¬;


Natsu no Maboroshi
The english version changed almost everything.=/ Better watch the japanese one, with subs...


Queen of Charizards!
Why would I want to watch it. Its impossible to find one with subtitles. Besides, I rather just watch the show in my language. Maybe what Pokemon USA should do is let Cartoon Network keep the story the same as in teh Japanese version, but just get rid of the bad words.


Well-Known Member
I know somthing that was changed.... Meowth's personnality...

In the Japanese version, he seems more philosophical and at times even a poet and famous quotes...
In Western version, Meowth is more into quoting or joking using referances to pop-culture, and he seems more hyperactive in terms of the way he thinks...
(did this make sence?)
Well, it explains the same thing in the Team Rocket section of Wikipedia.

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
Why would I want to watch it. Its impossible to find one with subtitles. Besides, I rather just watch the show in my language. Maybe what Pokemon USA should do is let Cartoon Network keep the story the same as in teh Japanese version, but just get rid of the bad words.

That's what they already do. And there isn't any swearing in the Japanese version, despite what some people say. It's a kids' show over there, too. (Oh, and it seems like you're a little confused - Cartoon Network just airs the show; it's PUSA who does all the translating.)

I've seen raw, unsubbed Japanese episodes numerous times, and I can still enjoy them even without understanding the language. The plots on this show are simple enough for the average viewer to get the gist of without knowing what's being said. And even if you can't figure it out, the Japanese voice actors are a wonder to listen to - they really put their all into their performances.