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Old and improved


Discuss the older pokemon that have been improved, be it by new attacks/abilities etc... in D/P.
(For those of you who don't already know...: http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/)
Anyways yeah i'm wuite happy to see most of my favourites have gotten a LOT better movesets, namely Whiscash and Scizor (Let's face it Scizor WAs limited...) however there are some things that confused me..
Gardevoir (And some of the new Ghosts) learn magical leaf? Ermm... ok I can kinda see the link with the 'magical' but...
Also look at Typhlosion, why does it learn 'Gyro Ball'? o.o
Ampharos learning 'Fire Punch' naturally is another confusing one... and 'Power Gem' (Although I guess the gem on it's tail neh?)
Anyways yeah i'm seriously happy Altaria gets that Dragon Pules or whatever it's called, also Blaziken + Flare Drive = Win.
So what are you happy/confused about? Discuss here.

EDIT: POsted in wrong section, should've gone in D/P >.< Stupid computer...
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