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Oliver is Back, Go Tell Your Friends!


Well-Known Member
Guess what? I'm back with some new sprites!


Red/Blue (i think) Oddish Revamp


Silver Horsea Revamp


One of my old fakes, Talik, redone


My first mix, Ho-Ohgon, redone

Comment and Crit please :D
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Aloha wau ia 'oe<3
Yup it's my time to crit, lets see...

Oddish is good, looks like the new sprite a lil

Horsea looks lineless but good

Talik is good.. i suggest a evolution there!



Well-Known Member
Cool, thanks a lot for the crit ~Kitty~. Yeah, I have to work on the outline on Horsea a bit. Sweet, I'll work on the evolution. Also, it's based on the Aron line, so I might make the evo have arms and legs this time :D



Advanced Spriter
Talik is alright if it's supposed to be pillow-shaded. I personally like Oddish the best. On Horsea's head shading, the lightest shade should be circular instead of trailing off the head as a half-circle. Otherwise, they are all awesome.


Well-Known Member
Horsea is shaded too flat, and Oddish has too many black outlines. The third one however, looks pretty good even though it appears pillow shaded. Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
Thanks both of you:D And yes, Talik is supposed to be pillow shaded. I could really shade it right. Your right, I'll work on Horsea's shading soon. And thanks for the comment on oddish Hazy. And yeah, I'll work on Oddish Bonemerang. Thanks again for the very good crit:)


Captain Murkrow

Talik looks like an Aron after being digested and pooped out. seriously, try to make your fakemon have limbs and look less blocky.

ø®ΑпGЗ ♠

Well-Known Member
Oddish's foot has a thick outline. Horsea could use some dark shading on the curl. You should make more creative fakes, as opposed to blobs.

Team Elecwater

shocking isnt it
not bad but not good cant think of anything really constructive to say. im leaning on the good side though


Well-Known Member
That's a pretty decent mix in my opinion. However, the middle looks strange, but I can't quite see what's wrong with it yet o_O


I always remember that Flygon/Ho-Oh mix. It's pretty good. :D

Glad to see you're back. Oh, and Horsea could use come more black outlining. ;)