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An old soul
Best wishes, Young Xehanort.


An old soul
Yeah, what Psi said. Wonder why he left, though. Hey, I'm getting better at PS. :)

Well, he wasn't active for awhile. Perhaps he went to join another clan. And good job w/PS; all it takes is a strategy and a little ingenuity.

Whooo! I finished my HeartGold nuzlocke challenge! Does anyone think I should document it as a comic or something?


An old soul
Thanks Psi :3

Well, yeah I guess. I mean, you want to remember da experience?

Sure I do. I still can't believe I defeated Red with level 60 Pokemon (and lv. 70 Lugia) and only lost 2 Pokemon (including said Lugia). The problem is, I suck at drawing.


Cold turkey.
Were we at war? Who with? Did we win?? *Panicks* WHAT'S GOING ON??!? D:



I guess I can try but I'm not that good with IV's.

Please try out for the war team everyone. I do not want Omega to die. Please try out even if you thing your not that good. Thank you...


Well-Known Member
Please try out for the war team everyone. I do not want Omega to die. Please try out even if you thing your not that good. Thank you...

but if they're not good at battling, why would they sign up for the war team?

my question is, which stats should IV breed to have 31 iv's in for a haxorus?

meta salamance

champ of champs...
Speed and attack if nothing else. But me personally, I would do hp and def. That way I could bulk out a attack. That way a d dance can be set up. But that's just me.


but if they're not good at battling, why would they sign up for the war team?

my question is, which stats should IV breed to have 31 iv's in for a haxorus?
That should at least try.

31 in attack 31 in defense or speed.
Speed and attack if nothing else. But me personally, I would do hp and def. That way I could bulk out a attack. That way a d dance can be set up. But that's just me.

I agree.


Well-Known Member
I thought he was already on the war team


New Member

I guess I can try but I'm not that good with IV's.

Please try out for the war team everyone. I do not want Omega to die. Please try out even if you thing your not that good. Thank you...

I think I'll try out. I'll have to wait for psi to get online though. (Sorry for the inactivity, I got a few games on my computer, and my brother plays on it a lot)
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