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Omfg Flygon!

Sir Devious

Sir Devious
This is my 7th attempt to get him... WTF? How the hell do I get him? Dude he is making me mad I almost threw my DS at the wall.... >.<

Sir Devious

Sir Devious
No, I mean beat him. I know I can't just like the Kingdra's and the Salamance... What main site??

Sir Devious

Sir Devious
Yes I looked, all it said was that he would be easyer than Salamance... and he is like 500000000000000000000000000 times harder... :(


Gust of Wind
ummm....y-you cant recruit flygon -quivers-


He means Ranger, not MD. The trick with Flygon is that it fires then pauses before firing again, so make loops one at a time when it pauses between attacks.


Gust of Wind
shouldve wrote ranger, because he is pretty much a MD thread =S


fredfredburger yes!
yeah i thought MD also those flygons are easy you should have wrote ranger cause i don't even have ranger.


PokeMon Professor
Okay, if you can, recruit some PokeMon to help you, because I don't think discharge does anything. You're also going to have to master what I call "power circling" meaning learning to draw eight or nine circles per second. This will give you a great advantage. Oh, and don't be afraid to stop circling while he still has time left, because when he's in the ball you can start power circling, and the circles come faster then, sort of, because you've already got your momentum. Try it, and it may work for you. Also I recommend a water assist if you have one.
i got flygon on my first atemt he is pretty easy basides if you cant get hi you got no chance fo the third chalenge or second