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OMG I had no idea this was possible!


Well-Known Member
In the Battle Factory, Marshtomp was against a Sudowoodo. Marshtomp used Muddy Water and Sudowoodo used Self Destruct and despite killing itself it also MISSED Marshtomp. Now I know you can avoid it if you use dive or fly or dig ect. but Marshtomp was right there. Smack in the middle of the arena and should have been hit as it's speed wasn't very good. I had no idea that this could happen. It was just luck right? And not another glitch...?


Back I guess??
Muddy Water can lower opponent´s Accuracy, if it wasn´t lowered, Marshtomp was possibly holding Brightpowder or lax incense.

A lot of things could happen.


I like pie.
the muddy water attack lowered his accuracy. you were lucky enough that it missed, although i don't see how that could happen if it was in real life....


I said, Bring It ON!
yah, it missed via muddy water, lax incence, or bright powder. but yah, how does an explosive radioactve shockwave miss?


Well-Known Member
i dont think it was a glitch but i do think you were so lucky there


Well-Known Member
Its not a glitch,like the others said, it must have been from the lowering accuracy of muddy water/lax incense/or bright powder,happened to me once and got lucky,but yeah, how DOES a pokemon within a few meters from another pokemon miss using a huge explosion?:p


Well-Known Member
just like others say,muddy water lowers accuracy,also it could have holding brightpowder or lax incense.