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Omg No Why!

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Well-Known Member
ok guys i literally just sat in this comp chairr for a hour nottin but readin n random battling lookin for a electabuzz..kinda zoning.. neway.. finally get one n its a gurl :( electabuzzes just dont got the same toughness female..neone agree?


My 1st shiny ever
so... It's an electabuzz in the end, isn't it? I'd be happy if i were you
So what :confused: it doesn't matter -_-


Well-Known Member
Staff member
ok guys i literally just sat in this comp chairr for a hour nottin but readin n random battling lookin for a electabuzz..kinda zoning.. neway.. finally get one n its a gurl :( electabuzzes just dont got the same toughness female..neone agree?

Please... for the love of god... use proper grammar, it's impossible to understand you. >_>

But anyway, I agree with what the others have said, it doesn't matter if it's female, and you should be happy for finally finding one.
Just because it's female doesn't mean it's weaker in any way, gender does NOT do anything to the pokemon's stats like it did in GSC. And it's sexist to assume females aren't as tough as males.



super noob
I'd perfer a female first anyways, that way you can breed for egg moves easier.

woot21 out dawgs


I am the game
I find elactabuzzes easily. You should be happy for a female one.


Please... for the love of god... use proper grammar, it's impossible to understand you. >_>

But anyway, I agree with what the others have said, it doesn't matter if it's female, and you should be happy for finally finding one.
Just because it's female doesn't mean it's weaker in any way, gender does NOT do anything to the pokemon's stats like it did in GSC. And it's sexist to assume females aren't as tough as males.

Gender had no effect on stats in GSC either, it just modified how stats were passed along through breeding.

And I wouldn't say it's sexist... after all, the strongest woman is always weaker than the strongest man. Doesn't mean they're inferior or anything. .___.

Darkmaster Rannon

Thundercats Hoo!
Please... for the love of god... use proper grammar, it's impossible to understand you. >_>

. And it's sexist to assume females aren't as tough as males.


Agreed can't understand him...

anyway Men do have more upper body strength but Women are more flexible
not to mention we Men cant take a blow to.. you know were... so maybe we are weaker because if this huge weakness?

anyway how can he care if its female? I'd love having that so I can have a more non-Gendered based team!


Furret rocks
I'm female, I'd be happy.

Anyway, I'd have a female for the fact that breeding is slightly easier.



So easy to fix this "problem". Get a ditto and smack 'Buzz and Ditto together in the 4 Island daycare. Chances are there'll be a male Electabuzz.
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