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omg, read this

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Active Member
I was on route 118, and guess what, omg i cant belive this, a wild latios appeard, i did not use a cheat thing, and whaaaaa i didnt catch it, but why did it appear? is it a glitch?


I said, Bring It ON!
ok, latios appears randomly on any route once you beat the elite four. he ran away because he didnt want to be captured. try using shadow tag, block, ect or just chuck the master ball at it. i found mine their too!


Um, maybe because there is ONE wild Latias/Latios (depends on if you have Ruby or Sapphire) running around the game once you beat the Elite Four. It can be anywhere!

It's ok that you didn't catch it, check the pokedex and see where it is...than go to that route. you have to time it right because everytime YOU move routes, IT moves routes too!

EDIT: Beaten...


Active Member
will he

will he appear again on a diff route or did i mess up and only get one chance?

Nintendo Smasher

Well-Known Member
You can encounter a wild Latios in Ruby after E4 if you haven't caught it.


I said, Bring It ON!


Josh trainer
Latios will appear again.

Once you catch or kill him, he won't appear in the wild.


Active Member

That was very nooby of me, soz


Dude, Latios and Latias aren't a glitch. They appear once you beat the E4.

Ace Hardlight

I want race car bed
it appeared because i said so

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
If you faint it , turn off and go back to your last save like with any legendary.


Natsu no Maboroshi
Just use the master ball. Latios likes to run a lot.

Emerald 2006

Well-Known Member
It moves so fast, I don't even bother searching for it. I move too fast from place to place in order to come across it. And I already used my Master ball...
But should I come across it, I'm training my recently evolved Vibrava, and he's in the front of the line. I'm training my shelgon, But it's so slow training them. They're both in line at the top, with each of them holding EXP. Shares. I can't get my salamence soon enough for me... I've never had one.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Closing since this has been answered plus there's an entire sticky on how to find Lati@s.

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