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On Cloud Arcanine (416)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
On Cloud Arcanine

In their travels, Ash & Co. encounter a group of Arcanine. May rushes off to chase them and meets up with her old rival Drew who wants to catch one for himself. May & Drew both want one and are willing to go to any lengths to get one...who will get it?

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ghost master

the kawaiist thing
hmm I wonder what happens? I wonder if anyone caught arcanine. I think if Arcanine is caught it will be Drew. I wish I could speculate this somewhere about these things but, the Speculation thread is closed and the summary isnt up. Oh darn.


Old Coot
Look again. --; I reopened the thread.

*smacks Joe for doing this after we've asked him not to before*


ghost master said:
hmm I wonder what happens? I wonder if anyone caught arcanine. I think if Arcanine is caught it will be Drew. I wish I could speculate this somewhere about these things but, the Speculation thread is closed and the summary isnt up. Oh darn.
Maybe no one caught it...

ghost master

the kawaiist thing
Originally Posted by ghost master
hmm I wonder what happens? I wonder if anyone caught arcanine. I think if Arcanine is caught it will be Drew. I wish I could speculate this somewhere about these things but, the Speculation thread is closed and the summary isnt up. Oh darn.

Maybe no one caught it...
I was just doing that to complain to Joe again for closing it again. I was thinking about things at the top of my head. Although if anyone did catch it I would guess drew.


Yeah I agree with that. But where would its babies go...I konw, each main character can get one! That's just what we need, more baby pokemon [/sarcasam]

ghost master

the kawaiist thing
Serebii I know you would prefer me not too but, since we dont have a summary. PokemonPalace.net said that May caught an Arcanine. I know they tend to be very reliable but, can anyone else confirm it. I wont discuss about it anymore until a more reliable source comes along to confirm what they said.


ghost master said:
Serebii I know you would prefer me not too but, since we dont have a summary. PokemonPalace.net said that May caught an Arcanine. I know they tend to be very reliable but, can anyone else confirm it. I wont discuss about it anymore until a more reliable source comes along to confirm what they said.
Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It can't be...I hope it isn't real.

Pokemon Palace is an affilate of Serebii's site so how are the unreliable?


Old Coot
Oh FFS. Grow up, guys. First you complain about her having Pokémon that are similar to Satoshi's and now you're gonna complain about her getting DIFFERENT Pokémon. The writers don't care what Pokémon YOU want her to get. They do what THEY want her to get. Doesn't matter if it "fits" her or not. It's not your decision. Now please, STFU about it.


O_O! Wow. May gets Arcanine? Cool. Though I hate Arcanine, it's a cool and different Pogey for her to have. Though, I'm scratching my head as to why they gave her ANOTHER Fire Pokemon....And gave HER another Pokemon so quickly. *shrug*

Now, if only Ash would catch something that would interest me....*guffaws at Phanpy*

Judging by the pokemon itself (not its experience or trainer or anything of the sort), a big, ferocious-looking and supposedly-legendary Arcanine could sweep the floor with Ash's team... But I guess Ash's pokemon are probably more experienced and stuff.

Since I never complained about May getting Ash's pokemon, I think that I have the 'right' to say that, an Arcanine doesn't really fit May's image. I'm not bashing the writers or anything, I'm just saying it.


Property of Jesus
Wow...so she really caught it? Didn't expect that to happen. Especially since it had pups. o.o;

Oh well, I am happy about one thing though. Since this pokemon DOESN'T fit her image, hopefully it'll shut up the people who say she has to catch nothing but cutesy and baby pokemon.

Rene Bellosh

From what I hear over at BMG, it seems that PokeAni's guide for this episode says that Drew caught the Arcanine.


Sea Ruby Trainer
Maybe we should have people who are actually Japanese and have actually watched it before making speculations... There are way too many "wannabes" out there... all claiming they got this info here ore there.


Old Coot
Uh..some of our best reporters AREN'T Japanese yet understand it quite fluently. So we don't exactly need someone who is Japanese.

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
So did May catch it? Or did Drew catch it?

Or did no one catch it?


Edward Elric said:
Oh FFS. Grow up, guys. First you complain about her having Pokémon that are similar to Satoshi's and now you're gonna complain about her getting DIFFERENT Pokémon. The writers don't care what Pokémon YOU want her to get. They do what THEY want her to get. Doesn't matter if it "fits" her or not. It's not your decision. Now please, STFU about it.
She already got a Combusken so why did she need another dasrn fire type?


Izit cuz I is black?
Joe said:
Because the writers thought she did. If in fact she did catch it.

Going by what you just said, Ash didn't really need Chikorita.

Bulbasaur was always going to go, anyway. This would usually imply that Combusken is on the way out by the same logic.