The Big Al
I just keeping Octo
Sounds great but I get to the main site. Can anyone link to the epi pictures if they're up. THere are a few things I've got to see like the "death gaze".
Hales said:So would Ludicolo use Water gun attack in future episodes since the Lotad that Brock had wasn't supposed to do that attack?
Dogasu said:-After the Pin Missile attack stops, Dustox, having recovered from Pikachu’s attack, charges toward Lombre. The water pokemon is able to dodge its attack, and afterwards Mawile moves from behind Lombre and uses some kind of punch attack on Dustox.
Geodude said:Truly an AWESOME episode. Random thoughts:
-The animation was top-notch. I really hope they continue this style.
-Torkoal got much-needed screentime, and lots of it, as well as getting in some great battles.
-The battles looked awesome, and Torkoal really looked badass while battling. Nice to see it finally getting some spotlight.
-Brock's Lombre obeyed Ash in a battle! Wow, this is the first time we've seen one of the group command a friend's Pokemon in years.
-Speaking of firsts, I think this is the first time Brock and Ash have battled each other since way back in Johto, when their Pikachu vs Vulpix battle was interrupted by Jigglypuff.
-The girl-du-jour was cute.I like her hair.
-The overall wackiness of Corphish and Lombre in this ep was awesome. Mawile was unexpectedly cute.
-Heh, Lombre's evolution is reminiscient of Lotad's evolution: totally random. For no reason, it just suddenly went over to Sayori's backpack, rummaged through it, found a Water Stone, and evolved!Ludicolo's antics afterward were hilarious, and I like how it turned the tables on Mawile.
-Brock did his "Takeshi no Paradiso" routine again, this time with Corphish! Too bad we only really got to see him in that outfit at the end when he was really tired.
-Ludicolo's reaction when Mawile went after that Psyduck was priceless.![]()
Nope. They had a Double Battle in the referee episode. Lombre and Mudkip against Corphish and Swellow.Geodude said:-Speaking of firsts, I think this is the first time Brock and Ash have battled each other since way back in Johto, when their Pikachu vs Vulpix battle was interrupted by Jigglypuff.
Agreed. >_>;Geodude said:-The girl-du-jour was cute.I like her hair.
Pokemonisgr8 said:]
But everyones looks are priceless!!