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Once In A Mawile! (382)

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
Sounds great but I get to the main site. Can anyone link to the epi pictures if they're up. THere are a few things I've got to see like the "death gaze".


~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~
Well, i just want ppl to notice this, as this isn't about the episode, it just appears in the episode...I TOTALLY LOVE IT..


nothing else to put, as Serebii will post the PICTURES soon...

EDIT#1: anyway, i saw a few pictures of this episode, it looks ok, so far, as i'm near the end...i love the Mewoth thinking of how Lombre would be useful to their Boss...

plus the last ending part is so cool...


that's all i will show as, i don't want Serebii to yell at me like LAST TIME...lol

bye...i'm off to work on MY FIC...
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Well-Known Member
Truly an AWESOME episode. Random thoughts:

-The animation was top-notch. I really hope they continue this style.

-Torkoal got much-needed screentime, and lots of it, as well as getting in some great battles.

-The battles looked awesome, and Torkoal really looked badass while battling. Nice to see it finally getting some spotlight.

-Brock's Lombre obeyed Ash in a battle! Wow, this is the first time we've seen one of the group command a friend's Pokemon in years.

-The girl-du-jour was cute. :) I like her hair.

-The overall wackiness of Corphish and Lombre in this ep was awesome. Mawile was unexpectedly cute.

-Heh, Lombre's evolution is reminiscient of Lotad's evolution: totally random. For no reason, it just suddenly went over to Sayori's backpack, rummaged through it, found a Water Stone, and evolved! :p Ludicolo's antics afterward were hilarious, and I like how it turned the tables on Mawile.

-Brock did his "Takeshi no Paradiso" routine again, this time with Corphish! Too bad we only really got to see him in that outfit at the end when he was really tired.

-Ludicolo's reaction when Mawile went after that Psyduck was priceless. :D
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So would Ludicolo use Water gun attack in future episodes since the Lotad that Brock had wasn't supposed to do that attack?

That picture of Brock leaping up in the air with Ludicolo was really sweet!


I own the 5th gen
oh man, both Takeshi no Paradise and Ready, Go! are played in this episode? I love those songs. But I doubt they'd keep Ready, Go! in the dub, and Takeshi no Paradise wouldn't be as funny without the goofiness of Takeshi's original voice (though I imagined the song itself would be kept, like the episode with Igglybuff). This sounds like one of those episodes I should definitely look for a Japanese download of (though, my top priorities at the moment are Juputoru vs. Bakuongu and the episode where Arbok and Matadogasu are released).


Custom Torkoal 01
I belive Torkoal used Body Slam on Cacnea in the first Spoink episode.

Very nice sypnosis, sounds awesome ^^

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
It sounds alright for a mush episode. Sounds like they concentrated more on the comedy than the romance but that's just fine in my book.

Lombre just went and evolved. No dramtics, no nonething, something just posessed him to go into the bag and grab the Water Stone. Then he gets dumbed and doesn't even care.

The boss daydreams about him getting freaked out by Lombre have to be priceless. At last reality pops TR's bubble.


~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~
Yes, it was excellent, it had good drawing animation...it was like perfect...lol

i loved the part when May and Ash were like sort of working together...as now those two are the EXPERT...of the 4...lol


Old Coot
Holy crap, I love it when the writers make a comedic love episode. They're always so great. Poor Heigani. Outstaged by an evolved Pokémon..again. XD Runpappa's reaction to Kuchiito falling immediately for a Koduck was just priceless. I thought it was pretty nifty seeing Satoshi give out the commands for Hasuburero. Guess his knowledge of Razor Leaf and Water Gun from Bulbasaur/Chikorita and Squirtle/Totodile in the past paid off. XP

Man oh man, not only that did they have Polka o Dolka..but they had TWO Chibi Sakaki segments. One positive, one negative. And I just love how Kojirou's the only one in the group questioning if Sakaki is really gonna do what Nyaasu says he'd use them for. XD


Well-Known Member
Dogasu said:
-After the Pin Missile attack stops, Dustox, having recovered from Pikachu’s attack, charges toward Lombre. The water pokemon is able to dodge its attack, and afterwards Mawile moves from behind Lombre and uses some kind of punch attack on Dustox.

That was Focus Punch.


Geodude said:
Truly an AWESOME episode. Random thoughts:

-The animation was top-notch. I really hope they continue this style.

-Torkoal got much-needed screentime, and lots of it, as well as getting in some great battles.

-The battles looked awesome, and Torkoal really looked badass while battling. Nice to see it finally getting some spotlight.

-Brock's Lombre obeyed Ash in a battle! Wow, this is the first time we've seen one of the group command a friend's Pokemon in years.

-Speaking of firsts, I think this is the first time Brock and Ash have battled each other since way back in Johto, when their Pikachu vs Vulpix battle was interrupted by Jigglypuff.

-The girl-du-jour was cute. :) I like her hair.

-The overall wackiness of Corphish and Lombre in this ep was awesome. Mawile was unexpectedly cute.

-Heh, Lombre's evolution is reminiscient of Lotad's evolution: totally random. For no reason, it just suddenly went over to Sayori's backpack, rummaged through it, found a Water Stone, and evolved! :p Ludicolo's antics afterward were hilarious, and I like how it turned the tables on Mawile.

-Brock did his "Takeshi no Paradiso" routine again, this time with Corphish! Too bad we only really got to see him in that outfit at the end when he was really tired.

-Ludicolo's reaction when Mawile went after that Psyduck was priceless. :D

Ash and Brock battled in the Referee Island episode, I believe. I'm not sure of the details, but I think Brock used Mudkip and Lombre at the time.

Anyway... DUSKTOX! *explodes* I love the little guy. (Wobbuffet and Dusktox are *so* a couple, you know? That's why they haven't been in so many episodes as of late... they are too busy with... other things. XD)


Old Coot
Geodude said:
-Speaking of firsts, I think this is the first time Brock and Ash have battled each other since way back in Johto, when their Pikachu vs Vulpix battle was interrupted by Jigglypuff.
Nope. They had a Double Battle in the referee episode. Lombre and Mudkip against Corphish and Swellow.

Geodude said:
-The girl-du-jour was cute. :) I like her hair.
Agreed. >_>;

Btw..did anyone think Lombre was pulling a Slakoth when Torkoal battled him? o_o It's posture and dodging looked remarkably the same as Senri's Slakoth when Satoshi battled him. I was expecting him to say that he was following Senri's dodging methods.


Well-Known Member
It seemed that Lombre had a "dancing" theme for this whole episode to me, actually.

And you guys are right about my mistake. I realized it last night and edited it out of my post on a couple other places, but I forgot to do it here.


That was funny when Lombre tries courting Mawille and afterwards his mouth is like all the way down to the ground.

Poor Corpfish but it was funny to see brock and Torkoal cry with it.

And I never realized how big Lombre was, it's almost at Brock's neck or around there.


Rising Trainer
Finally, an episode where Tokoal gets some real battle time!

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
Apparently, Mawile does not fall for men for their brains.

I still loved Ludicolo's face. Can we say in shock? Then he just forgets about it and dances along.

Factory Head Noland

It's so cool that Brock Ludicolo knows Bullet Seed (one of the best moves ever!)


I think that Ludicolo is soooooooooo coooooooooool!!!!!!!!!! But I can't believe that Mawile doesn't like Ludicolo! (only Lombre...strange....) It goes off and finds a Psyduck!



But everyones looks are priceless!!


Pokemonisgr8 said:


But everyones looks are priceless!!

Damn, I love Ludicolo, he seems soo hilarious. I hope the writers give him some cool moves. Can't wait to see him battle !


Not only new moves but a personality like all the other pokemon in the group have.

Did Lombre have a personality or did he just look 'non-plussed' about life :D