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Once In A Mawile! (382)


Well-Known Member
Lotad/Lombre had personalities, what are you talking about? They're the Hoenn version of Psyduck...except more competent in battle. :p

Lombre seemed to have released all its inhibitions when it evolved...it was dancing around like a maniac...although the next ep will tell if that was just happiness over evolving and the episode's adventure or if it's its new personality.


I know Lotad did (he had me giggling at the little things during Pokemon Advanced :D), I wasn't sure about Lombre... and now Ludicolo!

Factory Head Noland

I liked Lombre a lot but it didn't actually HAVE a personality that we saw very often, it really just stood there....when Team Rocket are making up a plan because they have caught Lombre, it just stands there.....still....silent....staring....

Ludicolo is gonna be WAY better! It dances for crying out loud!!


Ludicolio's mouth can really open wide... big enough to stuff Max inside at least... O_O;

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
Pokemonisgr8 said:

But everyones looks are priceless!!

Brock and Ludicolo look exactly alike. Hair, arms hanging down. XD Talk about a Kodak moment. Okay, I'm sold, this episode is a riot.

Note Serebii: You should make an Avatar of this one.

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
I didn't know Jessie was, um...into that sort of thing.

I'd comment on Ludicolo's personality if I knew what it was like firsthand. Only time I saw him in action was as a Lotad in "Gonna Rule the School" - does nothing until Brock crouches down to his level, then Water Guns him in the face. Damn it if that didn't make me laugh.


Old Coot
EvilKeckleon said:
Ludicolio's mouth can really open wide... big enough to stuff Max inside at least... O_O;
LMFAO You're right! XD

Suprised no one else mentioned the whole Lombre and Wobbuffet convo. That was another classic moment. Especially since there hasn't been ANYTHING done with Wobbuffet since god knows when. >_>


you suffer
omg, I just finished this episode and I have to say...

this is easily one of the funniest AGs I've seen. This is definately up there. Torkoal gets 2 major scenes, Corphish gets some massive screentime (although its rivalry with Lombre is never resolved, it sort of just fades away) Wobbuffet gets a gag scene, even Dustox makes an appearence.

My favorite scenes:

- Corphish's rejection. He runs up to Mawile with a boquet of flowers only to find that she is in love with Lombre. The look of devestation on his face is priceless. Although, I do feel sorry for the lil' guy XD

- After seeing Corphish get rejected, Brock tells him that he knows how that feels and starts crying, waterfall tears flowing out. Corphish starts crying as well. And then, for no reason, Torkoal joins in XD.

- Corphish's death glare...he shoots it at Lombre in the audience. The best part is, Lombre doesnt even care.

- Lombre and Wobbuffets convo was hilarious. Wobb even slaps Lombre down for no reason, lol

- During the major battle against Team Rocket, They comment on how well Lombre is doing, and it cuts to the stage, with Corphish sneezing, and then resumes quickly to the battle. It's hard to explain, but this happens in alot of anime. It's really funny.

Ludicolo is REALLY energetic. He's completely changed from Lombre now, heh. He even unleashes a Bullet Seed out of nowhere, lol. Let's hope he gets lots of screentime. Now some undershown Pokemon (Corphish, Torkoal, Lombre) have had some personality development in this episode. To me, it seems like Beautifly, Skitty, and Mudkip have grown stale now. Let's hope that they get some episodes defining them better in the future.


Well-Known Member
Lombre's evolution sequence:

It starts rifling through Sayori's backpack for no apparent reason... :D XD

...and finds a Water Stone!

The stone starts to glow...

...so does Lombre...

...and it evolves into Ludicolo!

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
Brinstar said:
- During the major battle against Team Rocket, They comment on how well Lombre is doing, and it cuts to the stage, with Corphish sneezing, and then resumes quickly to the battle. It's hard to explain, but this happens in alot of anime. It's really funny.
It's a Japanese superstition that when someone is talking about you when you're not within ear shot, you sneeze. There must have been something about Corphish in their conversation.

Factory Head Noland

This episode is officially one of my favourites! I think it is so funny when Torkoal and Lombre are battling and Torkoal uses Overheat against Lombre and Lombre flies away:





Look at Lombre fly towards the woods....

"Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It's a flying Lombre!"

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
They pulled out all the comedic stops for this one. I have say I'll like it when come out here in the states in about a year.


That scene with Sonansu and Lombre talking... I was laughing so hard I had to pause and resume much later.

" SONANSU!" (whacks)

And when Takeshi and Runpappa were dancing together at the end while crying... that was great too.


Old Coot
The Big Al said:
They pulled out all the comedic stops for this one. I have say I'll like it when come out here in the states in about a year.
You'll have to wait quite a while for whenever 4Kids says season 8 is coming out. They've still gotta dub more episodes that Japan has yet to air. At the rate KidsWB is going with episodes, reruns of the 7th season are what you'll be seeing for quite a while.


If Torkoal didn't throw Lombre away with Overheat who do u think would have win the battle ? (Since Lombre was K.O after the attack).
I think lombre was looking for something in the girl's backpack to impress Mawile, and found a Water Stone. He thought evolving would impress Mawile, so he evolved instead of dropping the Stone like a hot potato. Then, Mawile rejects him. I bet if Devolution Spray existed, Ludicolo would've snatched some faster than blinking XD.

SC~ out


Old Coot
I don't think Lombre's that bright to think that. ^^; Notice how Mawile went for the dopey looking ones. He even had a connection with Wobbuffet. XD Methinks he was just being nosey when he went through the backpack.