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Once Upon A Pokéball (Sprite comic :Pokémon/ Sailor Moon)


Jello Pokéballs
Once Upon A Pokéball (Sprite comic :pokémon/ Sailor Moon)

Author's note:
Since I'm posting this here (and at PC 'n PE2K) I'm already under the impression that you like pokemon. That's sorta a give in.
This is a comedy sprite comic that mixes pokemon with Sailor Moon, a fandom I have loved for going on eight years now. I am using the English dub names for the majority of the characters to better appeal to readers that may have only known that form of the show. However, some knowledge (and love) of SM is recommended to better 'get' certain later comics I have stewing in my mind. Basicly, if you have never seen the SM characters being their normal selfs you most likely won’t get when they are acting ‘funny’ ^_^

7/23/05: Chapter 1: Poke!
7/23/05: Chapter 2:Shades of meow
7/24/05: Chapter 3: A meowth's weakness
7/25/05: Chapter 4: The awful truth
7/26/05: Chapter 5:The video game effect
7/27/05: Chapter 6:You have to wonder about those backpacks
~*~Neptune & Uranus~*~
7/28/05: Chapter 7: Lost in the woods
7/29/05: Chapter 8: Be carefull how you click
7/30/05: Chapter 9: The manga dub effect
7/31/05: Chapter 10: Animal life
~*~Nephrite & Molly~*~
8/1/05: Chapter 11: A likely couple?
8/2/05: Chapter 12: Free Eats!
8/3/05: Chapter 13: Life as we know it...
8/4/05: Chapter 14: Buy pokeballs!
8/5/05: Chapter 15: Love hurts..or, The Ash effect
9/30/05: Chapter 16: Onix, the non-Pocket Monster
10/3/05: Chapter 17: Animal Life 2 or the Disney effect

I do not own pokemon. If I did Jessie and James would be rich, running Team Rocket, and dating after all their years of hardship.
Any similarities between this comic and any that may have come before it are not intended, while I do make this comic, I don't read as many of other people's work as I would like to. Sprites and backgrounds from La Soldier and TSR and PE2K. All other sprites are ripped and editted by me, please don't steal 'em.
Extra note: My storylines skip around but trust me, just becuase I go to another does not mean the one I was just working on is 'done'. These are all taking place in the same pokemon world after all, at just about the same time.
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The magic of Pokemon
Yay! You brought it over here to Serebii!

I'll keep watching it here and at PC!

(It's EmeraldSky from PC, BTW)


Jello Pokéballs
Ah, so you're one of it's fans, happy to have you here...PC is down:( so no update there yet. Ah well, I love Serebii to:D.

..And no, unlike in the dub they are not family members to each other,
and yes, I am using their real names.
I think I will be doing that with all the outers, save Rini.

7/28/05: Chapter 7

Golden Darkness

Spikeshell Trainer
That last comic.... 0.0;;;

Let's hope there will be some Senshi action. Maybe transforming into her Senshi idendity will allow Haruka to regain her femininity ala the Starlights.


"SAILOR MOON used Moon Tiara Action. It's supereffective! TEAM ROCKET fainted! SAILOR MOON gains 1 exp."


Jade Star Trainer
Oooh I like this... MORE MORE MORE!!!

FlamingRuby: I think that's known, Haruka said she was "fibbing" with the Boy or Girl question


Jello Pokéballs
To answer everything: Yes, there will be some senshi action. Not of a while yet however. I wanted this to be more than just a : Senshi land some place, use their powers, go home, sort of thing. Some people I know have written those sort of things and well, I want to put more effort into my mini plots which all meet up sooner or later. Haruka will..well, let's just say she'll be fine. Of course she is/was/will be a girl. I learned that waaay back in the day.
Little fourteen year old Me: Who's that sexy guy? I'd dump tuxedo mask for him...
Friend who gave the picture of Haruka in school uniform: O_O Um, I've got bad news for you...
Little fourteen year old Me: Nooo...*sniffle*