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One of a kind or heavily used?

Do you use a one of a kind or a heavily used deck such as Draggy or Ludicargo?

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I like cheerios.
What kind of a deck do you use? I use my original Flaming Vengeance, a deck combining Dark Tyranitar (SAND DAMAGE), Dark Houndoom (FIRE PAYBACK), and Dark Marowak with Magcargo and Sentret.
Using original decks for the sake of using original decks isn't a good idea. I'm not saying you're doing that, I'm just giving warning.

I use Salatar, which isn't a HEAVILY used deck, but still takes care of Scizor and a lot of other popular stuffs.

Medical Meccanica

give me the booty
I prefer one-of-a-kind decks, although I do agree with what Feraligatr said. I usually test several decks to see which works best. Piloswine and Dragonite Ex were probably my best.

although I will stray from the path and use a not-so-heavily used deck, but you're not going to see me playing Dark Dragonite or whatever the majority is running this season.
I make up my own dect witch centers around Syther EX, Dark Dragonair, and Movie 1 Promo Dragonite. Its Electric Grass Normal. I compared it to the LG theam deck useing my friend of Equl level to mine, and its better.


I tend to use a mix of architypes (common way to say heavily used) and original decks that I make.

Though I also tend to bring back dead decks that are hardly played. One of them is my Crobat ex deck.

Felix Feral Fezirix

Densetsu no Pikachu!
I play anything I have too much of. I created a lot of decks on my own inspiration. Playing 4 other card games helps a lot. ^^
As far as I know, I'm the only one at the tournement I go to every week that has an original deck. I love the original pokemon, not the new ones like Sceptile and Metagross. I nearly always use decks with the original pokemon in it.


I make up my own, then realize that it's hevily used. Haha
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