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One pokemon "inside" another?

Brazilian Dragonite

Dragonite's the best
Well, everbody certainly note that some poke exists with another like:

Cloyster: a Gastly inside the shell(at least looks like);
Mantine: has a Remoraid on the "wings".

Another one has this?
Or i'm crazy?

pigs do fly

<Currently hunting
You forgot Forretress. What's inside it?

Brazilian Dragonite

Dragonite's the best
I don't know... i don't recognize any poke. What is it?
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Dugtrio: 3 Digletts
Magneton: 3 Magnemites


ima gonna smile now!
Starmie: 2 Staru. i could be wrong, it could be that a Staru just grew some spikes on it's back and turned purple.

Corsolakid ;222;

Brazilian Dragonite

Dragonite's the best
Oh, i see it now...

No, i dont see. It's a Pineco or what?
Sorry for my stupidness(!)

pigs do fly

<Currently hunting
It's probably a Pineco or something else.


Well-Known Member
2 Beldum = Metang
2 Metang = Metagross


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Moving to GPD since this isn't gameplay related.
2beldum is metang
2 metang is metagross

exeggcute inside Chansey pouch, it even showed it in a short movie

I know this one is probly wrong but Koffing attached to Weezing


Furret rocks
Kangaskhan and it's baby.
They must live somehow with it but I can't imagine how they feel together. Slowbro wants to sleep but Shellder is singing.

Or Dodrio/Doduo. Sometimes they have troubles with communication because they are stubborn. Doduo is calmer but Dodrio is agressive and sometimes 3 heads fight with each other.

I think, that Cloyster isn't Gasty. Its a dark ball inside the shell but is not a Gastly. One my friend told me that Cloyster is a dead mussel. Hehehe.