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One USB adaptor or two?


Feather Trainer
Hi, with Wi-Fi and Mario Kart being released in the UK Friday something crossed my mind. My and my brother both own a DS and are both buying Mario Kart, does anyone know if this means we'll need two USB adaptors to both play Online at the same time?

I shouldn't think so but if we do then I shall buy one. Which I am going to anyway purly for the purpose of being able to play it everywhere with a computer (providing it has broadband). Such as College when i'm at a rather lengthy two hour break. But I won't have the money until a week after release for the actual adaptor so if I can use my brothers at home at the same time as him would it work?

Thanks :)
No 1 USB adapter can support 5 people.


I think you'll need another. I doubt two inputs would be able to be sent simultaneously over a single medium.