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Oppression Banisher (New School) [YGO/ADV]

Chiron the Mage
Chiron the Mage
Chiron the Mage
Banisher of the Radiance
Banisher of the Radiance
Don Zaloog
Don Zaloog
Cyber Dragon
Cyber Dragon
Cyber Dragon
Apprentice Magician
Apprentice Magician
Old Vindictive Magician
Old Vindictive Magician
Magician of Faith
DD Warrior Lady
Breaker the Magical Warrior
Spirit Reaper

Book of Moon
Smashing Ground
Smashing Ground
Smashing Ground
Pot of Avarice
Nobleman of Crossout
Enemy Controller
Enemy Controller
Enemy Controller
Graceful Charity
Heavy Storm

Royal Decree
Royal Decree

It's basically done, almost any weaknesses it has are fixed with the side deck, so I really don't plan on taking any fixes you have. Thanks though ; )

First, this is solely a YVD deck at the moment, if I used it IRL, I would obv use Rush it it's place.

Second, Shrink is bound to be reprinted sometime soon, and if Bellido and Jamieson can get 2/3 Shrinks themselves, I don't see why I couldn't if I wanted them bad enough ;\


Alakazam says Cena Sucks

First, this is solely a YVD deck at the moment, if I used it IRL, I would obv use Rush it it's place.

Second, Shrink is bound to be reprinted sometime soon, and if Bellido and Jamieson can get 2/3 Shrinks themselves, I don't see why I couldn't if I wanted them bad enough ;\


Do you have a 500,000+ a year pay-check, amazingly nice team-mates to borrow from, a random 4 grand, a car to sell, an amazing deck and amazing skills to win one or any other way to get a Shrink?

With all due respect I dont know if your in any of these... the normal person isnt atleast... then again what do I know