• Hi all. We have had reports of member's signatures being edited to include malicious content. You can rest assured this wasn't done by staff and we can find no indication that the forums themselves have been compromised.

    However, remember to keep your passwords secure. If you use similar logins on multiple sites, people and even bots may be able to access your account.

    We always recommend using unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication if possible. Make sure you are secure.
  • Be sure to join the discussion on our discord at: Discord.gg/serebii
  • If you're still waiting for the e-mail, be sure to check your junk/spam e-mail folders

options won't save



in the options, I have disabled the view avatar and signature options, clicked save changes, but I was still seeing them, so I went back, and they were checked, when I disabled them, so I tried disabling and saving again, a few times, but they won't save, what is going on?


Firefox, but I tried it in Internet Explorer, and it still happens


one love
Yeah, I would recommend clearing out your cache and cookies on both browsers. If that doesn't work, you might need to switch to yet another browser.

Wolf Goddess

~Lupo Di Autunno~
Try changing your skin.