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Orange Island Reruns...where have you gone??

Dancing Kirby

Well-Known Member
My favorite season of Pokemon seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth.

I haven't seen reruns of it on TV since 2003.

They apparently never made videos of the episodes. If they did, my local video store doesn't have them.

Searches on Youtube and Google have turned up equally empty-handed for me.

So where have all the episodes gone?

Please don't think I'm just spamming. This is something I've thought about for a long time.


Champion Scientist
Well it isn't a very popular series so its expected that it won't be on YouTube but I'm sure there are DVDs of it in America.


Turnabout Pokemon
Yeah, you can get the DVDs online at Amazon.com or Suncoast.com.

Though, it would be nice to see them on TV again. Oh well.

Evil Azurill

RIP Maddie
You have to get them off of the internet. I only have the first of the three DVDs right now, but the Orange Islands is my favorite season, so I'm getting the other two.

As mentioned above, go to Amazon.com.
Doesnt Cartoon Network do reruns of the older episodes. I dont have it but at my friends house one time there was the Butterfree episode showing.

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
Doesnt Cartoon Network do reruns of the older episodes. I dont have it but at my friends house one time there was the Butterfree episode showing.

It's Boomerang that was re-airing all the episodes from the first five seasons. However, it was recently announced that they're removing "Pokémon" from Boomerang in November, though it'll remain on Cartoon Network.

It comes as no surprise to me - it aired at 10:00 PM on weekday nights. What kid is going to stay up that late to watch "Pokémon"?
It's Boomerang that was re-airing all the episodes from the first five seasons. However, it was recently announced that they're removing "Pokémon" from Boomerang in November, though it'll remain on Cartoon Network.

It comes as no surprise to me - it aired at 10:00 PM on weekday nights. What kid is going to stay up that late to watch "Pokémon"?
I think that they already removed them. I have to agree with you though. What kid would stay up until 11:00 PM to watch Pokemon episodes?

And when you say Cartoon Network will keep airing Pokemon, do you mean every season or just Battle Frontier?


blah. Orange Islands was bad. How could you like it?

Hmm... How about:

- New interesting ways to earn gym badges rather than just battling
- Tracey Sketchit
- Interesting filler episodes such as "Pikachu Re-volts", "In the Pink" and "The Wacky Watcher"
- Snorlax
- Charizard finally began obeying Ash
- Ash's battle with Drake
- And last but not least... Prima's boobs. >_>

These are all reasons why the Orange Islands were generally awesome. (Unlike Johto which was lame filler after lame filler...)


Yeah, ok!
Orange Islands was pretty good.

Sure, it had some lame filler that was foreshadowing of the god awful filler in Johto, but it had many good points as well.

The fact that its only 36 episodes and wasn't a long, stretched out saga is also noteworthy. It's a nice compact story, plus its the only saga without friggin Brock around.

Seriously, I'm starting to appreciate Tracey so much more because Brock keeps coming back in every god damn saga. -_-

Tracey may have been a little dull, but at least Brock wasn't there for once!



Ealier and mid Johto were filler after filler.

Late Johto was full of awesome multiple-episode arcs, interesting battles, closure, and only a few fillers sprinkled throughout.

OI was cool too.

Ah yes, Baby Lugia arc, Red Gyarados arc, Raikou special, Silver Conference... Sorry about that... ^^;;

Late Johto was indeed VERY awesome.


Yeah, ok!

Ealier and mid Johto were filler after filler.

Late Johto was full of awesome multiple-episode arcs, interesting battles, closure, and only a few fillers sprinkled throughout.

OI was cool too.

And...Master Quest still had a crapload of crappy filler.

It got awesome from the Claire arc onward, but before that had the same god awful filler as early/mid Johto.

Ash's Pika Pal

some have to let go
I think that they already removed them. I have to agree with you though. What kid would stay up until 11:00 PM to watch Pokemon episodes?

I stayed up until 10:30 P.M(sometimes 11.00.P.M for certain episodes,example, Pikachu's Goodby)....But,yeah I think your right they did remove them.
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Dancing Kirby

Well-Known Member
Okay...my new mission is to figure out how to buy the DVDs online with my check card, then sneak them past my parents when they arrive in the mail!

Just kidding...I may just ask for them for Christmas.


The Dude
On the section of cartoon network's website called toonami jetstream they have a few of the orange league episodes avalible to watch. Although they have it mislabeled as johto journeys.
Johto was that bad?I liked some of the filler episodes but mostly gym battles.I also agree that late johto was good with ash and garys rivalie (sorry about the spelling) ending and ash got pwnd by harrison.