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Original Game Boy

You'all enjoyed the Original Game Boy?

  • Yep... good times... good times... ^_^

    Votes: 24 88.9%
  • No way! I'm so over it...! -_-

    Votes: 3 11.1%

  • Total voters


Ultimate Animator
Aaaaahhh yes.... the good old Original Game Boy...! I loved it so! Games for it like Tetris, Super Mario World 2, Pokemon Yellow, Megaman, etc. were SO cool! Too bad it's obsolete(Although I almost have no idea why :confused: )I found it in my closet after years of not playing with it no more, since I had new ones like Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, etc. I didn't want to throw it away. I still play with it at home, though! How about you guys? You'all ever had the GB? :)
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Mightyena Master
ive never had one but i liked games that were for them like pokemon red and super mario!
not such a fan of tetris but it was a pretty big thing back then!
I have a gameboy color and I still want to keep it even though I have an SP and gameboy player for gamecube!


Super Gamer
Nope - but if anyone had it I would take it from them and play, xD.
The first Game Boy I got was a Game Boy Color back in 1999 or so (thats when I got Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow) - you should go to Nintendo World and see the museum, I heard it's pretty neat.



Mightyena Master
what do you mean by obsolete?forgotten?


Ultimate Animator
The old Game Boy? Obsolete. Is it too old or something? Or is it too big for a handheld system? It only has like, 4 batteries in it. :confused:


Super Gamer
Well its pretty obvious - outdated ;P

You cant expect an original to be around that long - things change over time and they become much improved.



Mightyena Master
yeah well did the old gameboy have color to it?
I know color is a real good thing,like do you want to watch a tv with no color?

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
Was there ever a game called Super Gameboy? I am not sure but I think I saw one, I saw a normal gameboy at the price of $14 (Old one) at Gamer traders, they have everything there, PS2, PS1, N64, GC, Xbox, PC, Sega, GBA, GBC (Game boy colour) and older gameboy), Ninetdo Mirco


megakevinexe said:
The old Game Boy? Obsolete. Is it too old or something? Or is it too big for a handheld system? It only has like, 4 batteries in it. :confused:
That didn't answer the question. -_-;

What do you mean by "obsolete"?


Ultimate Animator
MidnightScott said:
Well its pretty obvious - outdated ;P

You cant expect an original to be around that long - things change over time and they become much improved.

Oooohhhh I see. And it's not a good idea to be playing with it in front of people, is it? :confused:

Ex_Kyogre said:
yeah well did the old gameboy have color to it?
I know color is a real good thing,like do you want to watch a tv with no color?
No, It didn't. Well, black and white makes it more memorable. :)


Super Gamer
Old Black & White cartoons are really fun to watch.

but anyway - here's a helpful page on Obsolescence (Obsolete): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obsolete

The original Game Boy did not have color - it was a green screen with black pixel games on it such as Tetris, Pokémon, and Kirby, etc.

All About Game Boy (History, etc.): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_Boy

There's nothing wrong with playing classic games (unless you are around a bunch of snobby brats who need to act like modern people and not like ancient people)



Ultimate Animator
Willow's Tara said:
Was there ever a game called Super Gameboy? I am not sure but I think I saw one, I saw a normal gameboy at the price of $14 (Old one) at Gamer traders, they have everything there, PS2, PS1, N64, GC, Xbox, PC, Sega, GBA, GBC (Game boy colour) and older gameboy), Ninetdo Mirco
Yes, there was. It was an accessory for the SNES, so you can play your Game Boy games in the big screen, and in color! For more info., go here! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Game_Boy


Super Gamer
My friend has a Super Game Boy. They still have their Super Nintendo (my brother got rid of it when I was younger ;_; I miss it) - yeah, it was kinda neat playing GBC games on the TV for once(yes, they worked O_O)



Old Coot
MidnightScott said:
My friend has a Super Game Boy. They still have their Super Nintendo (my brother got rid of it when I was younger ;_; I miss it) - yeah, it was kinda neat playing GBC games on the TV for once(yes, they worked O_O)

Not all. My Pokémon Crystal refuses to boot up on the Super Gameboy. You can't play Game Boy Color-only games on the Super Game Boy. However black cartridge games (which can be played on the original GB) could be used on the SGB.

And yes, the Game Boy is obsolete because it's outdated. It's upgraded over the years. Where've you been? o_O It went like this..

Game Boy --> Game Boy Pocket --> Game Boy Light (Japan Only) --> Game Boy Color --> Game Boy Advance --> Game Boy Advance SP --> Game Boy Micro

Game Boy and Game Boy Pocket became obsolete after the Color was released. This is because Color could play old GB games, as well as add some color to them and included its own library of "full color" games. Something the original Game Boy and Game Boy Pocket could not do.


gee that's swell
I have one but mine sucked. I've moved on. The original Gameboys are not fun for me. I'd rather play with my DS or my SP
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Super Gamer
Your SP is a Game Boy....o_O....

Yeah, sorry Ed - got it confused xD *is tired*

One day I will go out and buy an original Game Boy just for the hell of it.


Poison Master

A Local Person
ahhh good old Gameboy, still have mine and all the major games for it.

Although I do wonder if Nintendo will do something like the Nes Classics and re-release some of some of the Gameboy games.


Old Coot
Torchic23 said:
I have one but mine sucked. I've moved on. The original Gameboys are not fun for me. I'd rather play with my DS or my SP
Dur, of course they're not "fun" now that you have WAY advanced technology compared to it. e_e We're talking about a handheld that came out in the late frickin' '80s, while you're going on about saying a handheld from the '00s are much better. Think about the logic behind that. --;