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OSL Bug Gym - HardCore

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Staff member
Super Mod

;168;Gym Leader Number 4;168;



Hello my name is Paul. While on my Pokemon journey I discovered that there is a lot more to battling than just winning or how skilled you are . I learned that the only thing that truly matters is if you and your battling style are in perfect synchronization.

As I continued throughout my journey I found that bug types inspire me to show a unique versatility in every battle for my opponents. So challenge me if you wish to see the majestic world that is projected through Bug type Pokemon!
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OSL Gym Leader 4
Gym Record: 63-6
Sub Record: 11-0
Ties: 0
Total: 73-7
Rematch Wins: 37
Rematch Losses: 6

Pokemon-online only for now until I get the game.
***To reach me come here http://xat.com/SPPfPokemonLeague ***
***I won't be accepting battles through PMs/VMs.***
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Congrats on GL Paul. I'm going to win your badge again this time officially! lol.


Hardcore i wish to challenge your gym


Unluckiest Trainer
Congratz on getting Gym leader, and Good Luck :D


GG Paul. cya in 2 days. You srsly won't get lucky next time. The Battle was a little haxxy against me.


大典! SENTAI!!
Confirmed. GG ;D


OSL Gym Leader 4
HardCore vs WhiteWisper= HardCore 1-0
GG I was playing safe because you always get extreme luck. See you in two


Haters gonna hate
HardCore vs WhiteWisper= HardCore 1-0
GG I was playing safe because you always get extreme luck. See you in two

Next time I hope you don't hold back. A misclick and a miss might've affected the outcome but nonetheless, gg confirmed, see you in two.


OSL Gym Leader 4
Rematch: HardCore vs DarkLink = HardCore 6-2[R]
GG Make sure you check for too many resists. I am concerned about too many counter team attempts lately.

Thanks Vee


OSL Gym Leader 4
HardCore vs EmeraldGoblin = A case of counter teaming sadly. I know you didn't mean to do this on purpose because we talk a lot and you're cool, so I will let you rematch in two days.

This goes for challenger: If your team has pokemon that are counterish to my type and are rarely used in OU then I automatically have a reason to say that you countered me. Even if the team is your standard team if it has 3 or more potential counters then I can still call it sorry. I do ask other leaders before making this decision.


Rehab, no. Dead.
HardCore vs EmeraldGoblin = A case of counter teaming sadly. I know you didn't mean to do this on purpose because we talk a lot and you're cool, so I will let you rematch in two days.

This goes for challenger: If your team has pokemon that are counterish to my type and are rarely used in OU then I automatically have a reason to say that you countered me. Even if the team is your standard team if it has 3 or more potential counters then I can still call it sorry. I do ask other leaders before making this decision.

understandable; See you in two!
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