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OSL Dark Gym : Leader shadowsfalling19

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Haters gonna hate

shadow uae

hey shadow i want to battle you a gym battle
Beat shadow uae 3-0 gg

Beat Lasien 2-0, but he counter teamed bringing 5 dark resists and 3 fighting types.
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Tipsy Watermelon

Change is coming.
Confirming the loss
My two added members to my team where fighting pokemon so you are right on that but the other 4 i tend to use all the time :p


Justice Forever
Hey Shadowsfalling19, can I challenge you to a gym battle? If you have the spare time then we could have a battle. PM me and we can arrange for one, we can send each other' friend codes in the pms.

shadow uae

gg shadow
when i can get anothe gym battle !


GG, DarkLink 2-0 Clean match.
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