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OSL Fighting Gym - Nilla

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No Angel

;475; Gym Leader Number 1;068;



Welcome to my gym! I am the Fighting Gym leader Nilla.
I have been around Serebii since August 2009. I have been playing competitively for a little over a year, and you can test your skills against my gym, to see what it takes to get through my gym. Challenge me to find out!
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Cresselia's Tea Cozy
Hi I am Nilla, here are a few details to challenge me.

I am mostly on the Official Serebii League chat, find me there for a battle, or let me know here on the forums. Do not post on this thread, if you wish to challenge please visitor message/ private message me. I can Pokemon Online gen 5/ or Wi-fi gen 5 (Friend code is 3739-8848-5130) I am starting school in a few days, so please take note that I will not be here during the morning/partial afternoon during the regular school week. I am GMT -5 (EST) That is pretty much all the info you will need to know, thanks!

Current Gym battle records/ Gym battle record history

Poison Type Record: 188 Wins/ 0 Ties/ 22 Losses

Fire Type Record: 31 Wins/ 0 Ties/ 4 Losses

Fighting Type Record: 514 Wins/0 Ties/ 61 losses
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Cresselia's Tea Cozy
Nilla vs Zeyre:

Zeyre 0-3​

It was a pretty good game. He won a speed tie which really changed the match in my favor. Good game regardless, good luck in the elite four Zeyre​
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Cresselia's Tea Cozy
Atml vs Nilla:

Nilla 4-0

Straight game with no hax. Good game Atml, see you in 2.​


Cresselia's Tea Cozy
Nilla vs ZxXc

Nilla 4-3[R]

It was a good game, there was a weird weather glitch that happened that affected a lot of his pokemon through damage, anyways good game, see ya in 2.


Cresselia's Tea Cozy
Nilla vs Dubby:

Nilla 4-0

A miss shook up the game, which was really costly for him, see ya in 2, and I am sorry about that miss.​
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Italy's Finest
Nilla vs ZxXc

Nilla 4-3[R]

It was a good game, there was a weird weather glitch that happened that affected a lot of his pokemon through damage, anyways good game, see ya in 2.

Yeah, I asked some people and its called the 'acid rain' glitch, pretty weird. Anyways, I guess I'll see you in two then. ;P


Cresselia's Tea Cozy
Victoria vs Nilla:

Nilla 5-0

It was a good game, she missed fire blast but I don't think that really mattered, good game Victoria and see you in 2.​


Cresselia's Tea Cozy
Javaker vs Nilla:

Javaker 3-1[R]

Wasn't a really good game, there was a lot of hax. The hax was equal on both sides, but what he got was more beneficial in his favor. I missed a stone edge on the switch which crucially cost me the game.


Unluckiest Trainer
Confirming - im really sorry about the miss. Good game


Cresselia's Tea Cozy
Shadows vs Nilla:

Nilla 4-0

Was a pretty good game, acid rain was activated which damaged his pokemon a lot, and it benefited mine good game Shadows, see ya in 2.​
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Cresselia's Tea Cozy
Firestar319 vs Nilla:

Nilla 4-0

Was a good game without really any hax, good game Firestar, see ya in 2.​
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