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OSL Flying Gym - Ivanka

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6 Ivanka - - - - - - - - arceusaj 0

GG arceusaj. We had a battle before this and he won, but he allowed me a rematch because the first battle was filled with so much hax. Second battle, I got lucky with a predict and was then able to set up. Great sportsmanship, see you in 3.​

np confirming loss.......and win


6 Ivanka - - - - - - - - Makaveli 4

GG Makaveli. I was able to set up and eventually he found that there was no point in him continuing. See you in 3.​


4 Ivanka - - - - - - - - Lasien 0

GG Lasien. He missed once and I flinched him. =( It probably would've lowered the score a little. See you in 3.​

Tipsy Watermelon

Change is coming.
4 Ivanka - - - - - - - - Lasien 0

GG Lasien. He missed once and I flinched him. =( It probably would've lowered the score a little. See you in 3.​

Confirming, GG cya in 3
I have to say i cried a little when that move missed: D


TSS Member
cong. on becoming a gym leader cant wait for a challge
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