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OSL Ice Gym: Leader Cometk

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No Angel

;460; Gym Leader Number 3;460;



Welcome to my gym young challenger, here you shall face horrors that have not been seen since the Ice Age!

Do you still believe you possibly have what it takes to win, or are you doomed to be left out in the cold? Only one way to find out ... Let the match begin!
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west side


credit to Emerald Goblin for the second image


GYM RECORD: 48 wins / 0 ties / 8 losses

CONTACT: OSL XAT. Just private chat me on there. Like seriously, don't PM me here because it's a really inneffective method of getting ahold of me. My FC is 2623 2225 5730. I live in California -8. My PO name is Nova Flare and I only battle on Smogon's server.

[✓] Use of Rotom Formes on Wifi allowed
[X] Use of Shoddy Battle disallowed
[✓] Use of Pokemon Online allowed
[✓] Use of 5th Generation Wi-Fi allowed
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shadow uae

gg Cometk
i lost


west side
Beat shadow_uae 4-0. Gg, see you in two.

I guess with that my gym is open.


Lost to Puretrainer 3-0. Gg, best of luck with the rest of your challenge.

There was a tiny bit of hax, but it didn't really matter. Mence sucks, need to edit my team.
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Sic Transit Gloria
Beat shadow_uae 4-0. Gg, see you in 2.

I guess with that my gym is open.


Lost to Puretrainer 3-0.

There was a tiny bit of hax, but it didn't really matter. Mence sucks, need to edit my team.

confirming gg was a lot of fun


west side
Beat pkmner 2-0. Gg, see you in two.

Really, really slim win. There was a small error in my team that didn't matter much. He had me beat until the end, when I got lucky with a crit. Also, hitting two Blizzards w.o Hail.
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Beat pkmner 2-0. Gg, see you in 2.

Really, really slim win. There was a small error in my team that didn't matter much. He had me beat until the end, when I got lucky with a crit. Also, hitting two Blizzards w.o Hail.

Confirmed. I'll have your badge Monday. Don't get me started on a freeze that lost me the game
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west side
Beat WhiteWisper 5-1 before he forfeit. Gg, see you in two.

There was a bit of hax on my side, but I had multiple ways of dealing with his Pokémon so it didn't matter too much.
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west side
Beat shadow130690 6-0. Gg, see you in two.

He had an underleveled Volcarona, but it wouldn't have done much regardless since I had several checks to it.
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TSS Member
I dont have a Volcarona XD
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