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OSL Steel Gym - Leader Blue Harvest

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Staff member
Super Mod

;227;Gym Leader Number 8;227;



Hi, I am Blue Harvest. I like shorts, they're comfy and easy to wear!

Good Luck.
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Standard rules please! Though I try to be reasonable with the "counter-teaming" rule I do ask you at least use some common sense when challenging. If you use a Heatran, that's fine I don't care. But if your team consists of Magnezone, Volcarona, Infernape and Mamoswine I would appreciate it if you would change teams to something more.. steel neutral.
Confirming 5-0, GG! It was pretty close, you had something I was extremely weak to.

Edit: WW beat me in a haxxy game but he offered to make it best 2/3. I won the next two matches but they were close. So I guess I won overall, but he'll probably take the badge soon enough.


Haters gonna hate
Lost 3-1[R] , locked into an EQ with a poke that took 0 from it, good game confirmed, see you in two. Loving the gym!
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Beat Charminions 2-0. What a weird game, early on he was demolishing me. I thought I was going to lose 6-0.


Not a Crunchwrap
Congrats, BH. I'm coming for you! Then when I beat you, you need to post the thread we talked about.
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