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Other than nostalgia, what are reasons to play Red and Blue over FRLG?


Well-Known Member
Given FRLG is mostly the same game with better graphics, additional content, and fixes (such as Ghost actually being super effective on Psychic), what are reasons you still would play Red and Blue aside from nostalgia or simply to play "the game that started it all"?


Call of Fate
I say I quite like the fact Hyper Beam doesn't need a recharge turn if it takes out the opponent, and the Mew glitch is pretty nice, too. Otherwise, FireRed/LeafGreen are much more fun to play than R/B/Y.


Well-Known Member
Given FRLG is mostly the same game with better graphics, additional content, and fixes (such as Ghost actually being super effective on Psychic), what are reasons you still would play Red and Blue aside from nostalgia or simply to play "the game that started it all"?

Which consoles you have could be key here. If I remember correctly FRLG are only game boy advance but Red and Blue are both on both the original gameboy and via virtual console on the 3DS. So depending on what consoles you have available that might impact. Also if you want to transfer Pokemon forward that was a lot easier from the virtual console than from Gameboy advance.


Well-Known Member
The glitches. ‘Nuff said.
Seriously though aside from the nostalgia, there is no real reason to take Red/Blue over FRLG. At least Yellow has the gimmick of Pikachu.


On a quest to be the best...
History. To see how things began. Same reason you should play Super Mario Bros (NES) instead of Super Mario All Stars (SNES.)


Avid Pokemon TCG Card collector.
Actually i wouldn't. The games are simply too difficult to play with the game balancing. The cartridges probably have dead batteries after many years. Even emulators with speeding up can't help how glitched the game is such as the ghost vs psychic bug.


Well-Known Member
There isn't really a good justification other than nostalgia in my opinion. The original Kanto games lack balance, Pokemon movepools are limited and the AI is really bad.

In an ironic twist the glitches are probably the best thing about the games since you can exploit them to get Mew or clone items, but that's about it. :[

Tiksi Branch

New Member
I prefer the atomsphere of the original games over the remakes. The goofy sprites and monochrome palette make the Pokemon world more foreboding than how it appears in the remakes. Also I genuinely like some of the older Gen I mechanics such as critical hits being determined by speed, and moves like Dig and Body Slam being way more useful than they are now.

Captain Jigglypuff

*On Vacation. Go Away!*
I play the Gen 1 games on my 3DS so that I can transfer Pokémon with their HA such as Ditto or Eevee. Some of are too difficult to get through Tera Dens or Max Battles


loves to trade pokemon
Nostalgia. My old copy of yellow has a dead battery that I'd like to replace because I did enjoy the mew glitch and fighting Jessie and James.