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Other ways to get the event pokemon


Venusaur The Best
I know how to get the event pokemon but what i would like to say is why cant there be another way other than going to an event or using some cheat code.

Can't they put a really powerful trainer protecting it with lvl 100 pokemon then you can catch the pokemon (Mew, Celebi...) at lvl 30 this would be so much better

I suppose though that they have the events to get more people into pokemon but still it is so annoying if you live in London or any other country apart from Japan and America.


impossible to get them in england / eu so whatever apart from ar/


Natsu no Maboroshi
Good Idea. It would be a nice sparring too.

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
I wish it was like that...


Queen of Charizards!
I wish there weren't any event Pokemon in the first place. So i'm cheating


Master of mositure
I know how to get the event pokemon but what i would like to say is why cant there be another way other than going to an event or using some cheat code.

Can't they put a really powerful trainer protecting it with lvl 100 pokemon then you can catch the pokemon (Mew, Celebi...) at lvl 30 this would be so much better
Oh they could, they very easily could. But they don't and there's nothing we can do about it.


Well-Known Member
It would be better but If you've just trained up a whole team of lvl 100s to beat the trainer, you really wouldn't want the pokemon except for pokedex entry...
That sounds good. Why dont they have specific pokemon in different games

Emerald-Lugia and Ho-oh


Now a Quillfish fan.
It would be very nice to be able to get legit ones. Alas, I must resort to cheating, probably. Or WiFi sharing (trade, trade back for data) if the US can trade with Japan. I would not used any cheated Pokemon in 'net play, though.


Powerplay Champion
once dp comes out in the states, i hope they allow people to download off of wi fi...
it just seems as if it'd make sense
I know how to get the event pokemon but what i would like to say is why cant there be another way other than going to an event or using some cheat code.

Can't they put a really powerful trainer protecting it with lvl 100 pokemon then you can catch the pokemon (Mew, Celebi...) at lvl 30 this would be so much better

I suppose though that they have the events to get more people into pokemon but still it is so annoying if you live in London or any other country apart from Japan and America.

I agree with ye.There should be other ways to get event Poke's.


Well-Known Member
But then they wouldnt be EVENT pokemon. They would lose there Rariety. Thats the reason why Fione doesnt evolve into Manafi- Because then Manafi lose's its status