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OU tourney Semi finals - Batel


Levski vs. rekt

Mauarder Artemis vs. Infinity
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Dude you took out FM? I can battle any day of the week, usually in the evening.


Josh trainer
I can go on after 6 GMT on weekdays. As for the weekend, I'm not sure.


So MA, drop me a PM whenever you are ready. If you haxrape through me you better damn well win this tournament.
didn't like that match ma.

I was outplaying you turn for turn, and you got in a few gay hits which beat me.

not to mention that the combination of your pokemon walled my team perfectly.


I lost because his Blissey wouldn't die when I had two DDs up on mence. Thanks for the EV help F_M...

End Battle! Marauder Artemis wins!
Score: 1 to 0

through one of my pokes surviving with 4 hp, I manage to kill his Mence and go on to win it

whats ironic

is that i was trying to make a team to counter his

but yet i used my old greek god team