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Ouran High School Host Club


Yeah, some threads about this anime have been made in the past, but. well, none have lasted very long, and since most are over a month old, I've decided to make a new one.

The anime's finished now, who's seen it?

In my opinion, it has to be, without a doubt, one of my favourite shojou animes, with Haruhi, being my favourite female lead in a shojou anime..I just happen to think sh'es cool, cause she's markedly different from the other girls I've seen


Yeah, I highly recommend this anime..
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It's pretty good.

But it's also not named Naruto, One Piece, or Bleach, so most people on this board haven't seen it.


My only shiny <3
I love this anime! The Twins, Nekozawa, and Kyouya are my favorites! I liked the episode when the Twins pretend to fight with each other because they were bored.


Okay, just started watching it. BRILLIANT! (Friendly Class Trio XD *cough cough*)

What episode are you up to?


Do you have a favourite character?

and since I like posting pictures sometimes...


New Member
Ouran is soo funny. I love all the Hosts. Especially Honey-sanpai and Kyouya-senpai~

SOS! Its Not Healthy..

He Say Whaaa...
Hey I remember this thread, and got closed down. Well I really loved the series, this series was one of the wackiest, but at the same time really cute. I currently trying to finish watching the series since I got behind of school and work, but wow, this show was one of my favorites I up to currently episode 17, and trying to see if I could get more of the series.


Random Kitsune Chick
Woo! I love this anime! Kaoru is my favorite.....and I don't know why.


My favorite episode is...
Where Haruhi, Kaoru and Hhikaru all help their class with the Halloween Super Fear Trial, and Hikaru and Haruhi get trapped in a net. It's so sweet.

Anyway, I've even made music videos to this anime.....if anyone wants to watch them.

They be on Youtube......my username is LadyKitsuna.



My only shiny <3
I like that episode too! I liked Tamaki's reaction when Hikaru and Haruhi were stuck.


Sennen Goroshi! XD
Currently... around 16-17. XD I watch anime fast. I love Tamaki, especially in dog mode XD Wan Wan!

Nice pic, I remember that. Friendly Class Trio FTW.


keep battling on!
An excellent anime, one of the few that I've actually watched to completion without getting bored along the way. =)

My favourite character is most definetely Tamaki. XDD Omg, he is so cute and hilarious! I loved the final episode. <3 Him and Haruhi make the cutest couple.

I also Kaoru, but not Hikaru, who annoys me. >=P Kaoru's not such an ass.

I hope for a second seasion. :)



My only shiny <3
I hope for a second seasion. :)


No! There shouldn't be a second season of this anime! As much as I love it, I fear a second season would ruin the magic that is Ouran High School Host Club.


Random Kitsune Chick
You know, the funny thing is I believe they are making a live-action movie with Ouran, kinda like with what they did with Sailor Moon, Neon Genisis Evangelion, etc......



My only shiny <3
You know, the funny thing is I believe they are making a live-action movie with Ouran, kinda like with what they did with Sailor Moon, Neon Genisis Evangelion, etc......


Live action Hitachiins! *insert fangirl moment here* That'd be so cool if they actually do it right!


Beginning Trainer
i loved this anime the charecters were all quite diffrent from what ive seen before, and even the sterotypes were done in a funny way.

My Fav anime of the year so far, if this comes out on dvd in the uk i shall so buy it <3


Live action Hitachiins! *insert fangirl moment here* That'd be so cool if they actually do it right!

I've seen the castlist pop up in a few places...Happy to say that the twins are played by real twins (if the cast is correct).. The info can be found here, as well as other places


Kaoru - http://mail.es.nccu.edu.tw/~es87127/f1.jpg


Haruhi - Horikita Maki


Mori - Daito Shunsuke .. can't find a good picture

Kyouya - http://www.ken-on.co.jp/artist/html/mizushima.html
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