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Outrageous Fortunes! (249)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Outrageous Fortunes

Heading to the next City, Ash & Co. meet a trainer with a Poliwrath who proclaims that he is unbeaten. Misty however wants to beat him with her Poliwhirl but loses. Soon after the trainer falls for some phoney Fortune Tellers and gives them his Poliwrath. Will he ever get it back?

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Strawberry Milk
This was Politoed's first appearence. After wacthing this I laughed at politoed being all silly and crazy. That moment lasted about for 2 minutes then I just got bored with it. It acts like it in every episode it makes an appearence in. But still this episode was decent I give it a 6/10


Well-Known Member
Yeah,this is good.Polietoed is better than Poliwrath I think.


Team Awesome
It's too bad that we didn't get much of a chance to see Politoed since Misty left at the end of season five. It was a pretty funny running gag how he kept applauding and taking a little longer to do everything. I especially liked here when he started shaking "hands" with Victreebel. LOL At least they really found a good use for him in the Silver Conference by having him cheer Ash on. :) I liked the twerps' reactions to him too.
I only like this episode solely for the reason the fact that Misty got her Politoed


Elite Trainer
I loved this episode because it was really funny. I loved the way that Politoed danced and clapped. I also laughed a lot when that Poliwrath used Doubleslap on Jesse and Arbok, Submission on James =)) , and Watergun on Meowth!


I have returned.....
This episode is funny thanks to Misty's Politoed dancing and clapping and shaking hands. That's when her Poliwhirl wore Ash's King's Rock. TR seems to have cheated the same trainer who beat Misty because he sees them stealing his Poliwrath away. And of course, I love the part when Poliwrath attacked Jesse, James, and Meowth especially when they want it to do an attack!

pokemon fan 132

Well-Known Member
This episode was great.We get to see Mistys Poliwhirl evolving in Politoed and whole battle against Team Rocket was interesting too.
I always find her Politoed funny because of all that dancing and being cheerful all the time.It was also good to see him in battle along with Poliwrath against Team Rocket.

There is just one thing about this episode.I wonder who would win if battle wasnt interrupted between Ashs Bayleef and trainers Poliwrath.Considering how he was tyred from all this battles i suppose it would be Bayleef,but than again Poliwrath seemed really strong and they were equal before interruption so who knows.


kiss my greens
I love Politoed! Somewhat better than Poliwrath, I think. Also very friendly, shaking hands with people & clapping. Hooray for Politoed!


Trainer Trainer
I really enjoyed this episode.

Meowth: Heh, this is greats. Jessie I chooses you's!

Jessie: I'm not a pokemon

Meowth: Cool! Obiedience scratch attack, now!


James: How come you get all the fun?... Obiedience flamethrower, obiedience hyperbeam

Jessie: I can't

James: Anyone can do a hyperbeam...


Politoed is so cool :] lol. It's dance is wayy better than Totodile's! Politoed is way better than Poliwrath, IMO. I just wish we could've seen it battle more :/


Grass Pokemon Expert
I was really surprised that Misty's Poliwhirl evolved into a Politoed. I totally forgot that Ash had a King's Rock that he won from the Pokemon Sumo Wrestling Competition. I thought it was cute to see Politoed hop around and greet everyone. It seems to be very friendly. I thought that it was funny when Jessie became attached to Team Rocket's own device and Meowth and James controlled her. In the end, I was glad that Delaney was able to get back his Poliwratrh.


I loved the guy with Poliwrath, too bad TR almost lied to him and stole his badges.
And Misty's Politoed was very funny, but very strong too.


ミッドナイト ミュウツー
Its been a long long time that i have seen this episode, its nice to see an older episode again ^_^,
gotta like Politoed xD. I should watch that episode again. I liked it ^^, it wasnt my absolute favorite, but it was on the good pile in my books


Let's go to the beach, each.
Yeah,this is good.Polietoed is better than Poliwrath I think.

They're about the same. I think Poliwrath has more potential when it comes to physical attacks though. Anyway, despite what the title claims, this episode wasn't all that outrageous. It was just a good Misty episode where her Poliwhirl finally evolves. I guess having a main character's Pokemon evolve is something though, so this episode was saved from being too bad. 5/10 for Politoed's debut.
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No longer posting
This episode was ok... I'm very glad Misty's Poliwhirl evolved into Politoad. When Meowth was using the controls to control Jessie I couldn't stop laughing. Politoad's Swagger attack looks really cool in the anime and it was cool to see it for the 1st time. Submission is a really cool attack used by Poliwrath.



Well-Known Member
This episode was good. Really cool to see Misty's Poliwag evolve in to Politoad. Politoad is very cute. I love Politoad glad Misty got instead fo Poliwrath.