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Over 40 shiny pokemon for trade I want other shinys and runescape gp


New Member
shiny magikarp level 5 calm nature
shiny chansey level 18 sassy nature
shiny giratina level 70 rash nature
shiny lickitung level 40 bold nature
shiny porygon level 38 bold nature
shiny larvitar level 6 naive nature
shiny latios level 50 jolly nature
shiny male ralts level 4 adamant nature
shiny milotic level 100 modest nature
shiny palkia level 47 bold nature
shiny lucario level 54 relaxed nature
shiny deoxys level 30 sassy nature
shiny gallade level 100 bold nature
shiny trapinch level 21 gentle nature
shiny lugia level 80 rash nature japanese
shiny charizard level 65 gentle nature
shiny ho oh level 70 hardy nature japanese
shiny aggron level 44 brave nature
shiny sneasal level 32 hardy nature
shiny jirachi level 100 relaxed nature ot: red
shiny 10 aniv celebi level 100 modest nature
shiny raquayza level 70 hardy nature
shiny steelix level 100 naughty nature
shiny stantler level 18 hasty nature hacked
shiny marill level 25 timid nature
shiny manaphy level 1 modest nature
shiny vulpix level 18 hardy nature hacked
shiny dialga level 47 quiet nature japanese
shiny mystry mew level 10 naive nature
shiny metagross level 100 timid nature
shiny mewtwo level 100 naughty nature
shiny tangela level 30 quirky nature
shiny dusknoir(nicknamed redusk) level 50 gentle nature
shiny rhyperior level 55 sassy nature
shiny bidoof level 6 rash nature
shiny salamence level 100 hardy nature I think its hacked
shiny bonsly level 16 naive nature
shiny clefairy level 30 serious nature
shiny aron level 13 docile nature
shiny dragonite level 100 brave nature EV trained 323/403/226/236/236/233
shiny salamence level 100 adamant nature EV trained 394/405/259/287/259/299
normal tyranitar level 100 adamant nature EV trained 332/387/250/198/222/211
shiny umbreon level 100 sassy nature 346/166/271/161/353/171

Looking for shiny starters that I don't have, shiny latias, shiny heracross, other cool shinies. I do not want hacked pokemon or darkrai shaymin or arceus. I will am more likely to accept offers of multiple pokemon for my one;424;
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New Member
Are any legit, meaning non-hacked and non-cloned?


New Member
I only want shiny pokemon

If they are hacked I wrote it next to their name

I accidentally forgot to delete mudkip off the list, either way I don' want ,machamp


New Member
I understand the hacked part, but are any cloned?


New Member
believe me if you tell me what you want it will save me from typing a huge list

just name anything thats on the top of your wants list


New Member
How much runescape gold do you expect for Pokemon like Deoxys, Mew, and Celebi?