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over rated?


<<The Best
whos the most over rated water starter?



christian 4ever
you forgot pochama.......and i dont know but i love squirtle.........maybe the final evolutions


<<The Best
well whos the most under rated?

the legend master

Well-Known Member
swampert is sooo overated
but then again, so is all hoenn pokemon........


Strawberry fields.
Totodile is definitely NOT overrated, underrated if anything.

Mudkip is the overrated one.


Well-Known Member
Mudkip = Overrated
Tododile = Underrated
I think the most overrated is probably Mudkip, whereas Totodile is underrated (although I always have used him in my teams). Squirtle is just completely overshadowed by Charmander's popularity.

Komedic Konservationist

N00b in the dungeon!
swampert is sooo overated
but then again, so is all hoenn pokemon........
Good work, genius. Since when were people worshipping the likes of Grumpig, Luvdisc, Relicanth, Nosepass, and a whole slew of equally neglected Hoenn critters?
Scyther is overrated. The stupid grasshopper depends entirely on a quick hit and run strategy, but hasn't got a good offensive movepool to back it up, yet it's still regarded as the most powerful bug-type out there. It's grotesquely ugly to boot, what with its elephantisis and cheap dinosaur mask >.<

AJ Flibble

Overrated Water starter KK methinks. Though of course, I do agree.

It's either Mudkip (for being so k a w a i i ~~~) or Pochama for the same reaosn, and also blasted Enperuto which I see EVERYWHERE as an avvy. Overrated? Oh yes.


Well-Known Member
Pocchama. i like it but every1's all " liEk OmG! It'S a PoCcHaMa! TiS So CuTe!" The most overrated starter of all is charmander, even though i like it.

-Chimungus ;457;

Komedic Konservationist

N00b in the dungeon!
Oh.... so this thread is discussing which Water Starter is the most overrated, not which Pokemon is most overrated in general? I really need to read the first post before replying to threads in the future >>;
Mudkip, then. Everyone makes it out to be the most adorable beastie Nintendo has invented, and goes goggley-eyed over it's supposed cuteness. I think its design is stomach-turning, myself, but I guess I'm alone on that one.


I love garlic. :P
None... The evo's are then... But the most overated is... Feraligatr... It looks soooo cool, but is so weak...(Not because i wanna harm the fans)