It's not unrealistic, as she didn't take the full power of the attack, since the attack was softened due to Quaxwell and Crocalor softening or absorbing the impact
Sorry, but you have to read my whole sentence and can't just quote the first part of it. I wrote:
it seemed absolutely forced and unrealistic how Floragato was able to take that attack, overpower the second Tera Blast and even defeat Glimmora.
An ordinary trainer with a not even fully evovled Pokemon who just recently failed miserably against a gym leader suddenly defeating a "top champion's" ace...How absurd and far-fetched is that?
Considering that it was for all for the plot's sake so that they could go to Area Zero even makes it worse: Not just absurd but also forced and cheap. It's that terribly poor way of treating champions before and after DP that happened in this episode once again, and it's frustrating!
And it's even more frustrating because it's the exact same bad situation like with Ash vs. Cynthia:
The same unexperienced but suddenly overpowered Pokemon on the challenger's side, the same inconsistent and arbitrary power levels and the same forced result, dictated by the plot.
, and she could have won if she actually wanted to win (as noted in this episode), but she deliberately kept going, granting the kids a chance for victory.
I'm afraid I have to disagree here.
Geeta made it clear that first, she can't hold back in battle and that second, her Terastallized Glimmora is
all (or the best) that she's got. So, it was officially confirmed that she went all out and didn't intend to give the trio a pity badge. But honestly, if that's all she can do...well that's pretty poor if you ask me.
You're really heavily bias due to your username, but calling that battle "free from logic" is absurd. The battle wasn't the greatest, but logic wise two worn down pokemon from previous battles and Ash winning with Reversal was the best strategy of the show and only realistic way to win.
Well, it is only "realistic" if you neglect three obvious facts:
1) Baby Lucario vs. Veteran Garchomp that has been trained all her life. Or as
@Kazuniya perfectly put it:
Like, sorry, no amount of twisting the narrative will make it make sense that Ash raised a freshly hatched Riolu into a Champion-tier Lucario that can apparently stand against veteran Champions who have been raising their Pokemon since before Ash was even born. It's probably one of the most insulting things to come out of Journeys.
2) Garchomp's moveset that has "conveniently" (or should I say accidentially) been changed so Ash and his pseudo DEM Lucario had an advantage.
3) Cynthia obviously not being
allowed to megaevolve her ace. And it was all "justified" by Sirfetchd (another baby compared to Garchomp) landing one hit on Garchomp and the latter having to rest. (Plus, they couldn't even be bothered to handle Togekiss' massive speed boost properly or cleverly) Sure, as if Garchomp wasn't able to singlehandedly take out both of them. Instead ,they rather decided to come up with outrageous excuses in order to deliberately limit Cynthia's power.
Cynthia's Garchomp got thrown around by Caitlin's Gothielle,
Which was offficially confirmed to be an
exhibition match. Of course, you're not supposed to go all out an wipe the floor with your opponent here but give the audience a good show instead.
couldn't beat the Genie weather trio and got knocked to the ground
The major legendary Pokemon are not supposed to be beaten by
anybody. Remember how Leon, Cynthia's only serious competitor, got beaten badly by Eternatus?
Cynthia's Garchomp was never meant to be unstoppably strong.
It was! At least throughout DP. After that glorious era they started to treat champions more and more poorly, a development that had its low point in the PWC.
Well, if you check the special preview, you can see Black Rayquaza lodged inside a cliff,
Just asking out of curiosity: Which special preview do you mean? (I maybe missed it somehow)