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over using old pokemon


christian 4ever
do you think they are overusing them...in hoenn it was different but now...they have only show like 7 new pokemon and a lot of the old ones...what do you think?


Powerplay Champion
maybe they're finally trying to reach out to the old fans who loved the old pokemon...
i wish.
hm mm
maybe they're trying to give some backstory...
sorry, but this is pretty confusingXD

Meowth! That's right!

Cat Pokemon Trainer
The old Pokemon are the best! They are the originals and the ones people are attached to the most... to see them disappear all together would be sad.

Shiny Bashamo

Isn't it cute ^^
I think at one point all of is "old" pokémon wille volve in the fully evolved form and then Ash will use a "starter team" and PWNS all leages and defeats Lance finally and finally be POKÉMON MASTER!!!!

*sigh* this will never happen but it would be nice if it does



Well-Known Member
This is simple to answer realy~

Its because if they showed a bunch of the new pkmn (in Advance and diamond series)... it would have killed the whole point of the 'Pokemon of the week' thing that the series has going on....so, when they need to use pokemon, they show the old ones....

I mean, remember, in Advance when Ash first arrived in Hoenn? All the pkmn in the forest were the old ones.... a bunch of them being pkmn that arnt even meant to be native to Hoenn =/


Tails the Bouyzel
They just don't wanna show too many Sinnoh ones at first...

(PS. The name Sinnoh sucks...)


An old PS luva!
Yeah, but in the last ep they could at least include one water type in that group. Just one would have been fine surely...cos it's boring not being able to see new pokemon in a new region week after week...*falls asleep*

PS. totally agree there, Sinnoh sucks like there is no tomorrow, Shinou is just so much cooler!!!


The new tuxedo look!
Sinnoh is probably gonna get sued by religius nuts who think it sounds to much like sinner.. BTW I also think sinnoh sucks.

On-topic= It's been bugging me a bit too that they don't show enogh new pokes, but what really got on my nerves is that shinji released half the pokemon he caught... I just think it's a bit sad for those pokemon that found a trainer that then immediatly freeded them...talk about animal cruelty...


Well-Known Member
Yea they are abusing the old pokemon but meh its good to see some of them again ;looks at golduck;

Korobooshi Kojiro

S... I just think it's a bit sad for those pokemon that found a trainer that then immediatly freeded them...talk about animal cruelty...

That's....HORRIFIC! How can Shinji live with himself by freeing animals back into their natural habitat? That fiend must be shot, stabbed, strangled, shocked, and slapped!

PETA is gonna get you Shinji, THEY'RE COMING FOR YA!
It's been bugging me a bit too that they don't show enogh new pokes, but what really got on my nerves is that shinji released half the pokemon he caught... I just think it's a bit sad for those pokemon that found a trainer that then immediatly freeded them...talk about animal cruelty...
Yeah, people need to keep more animals locked up in small balls, forcing them to fight at their whim!


Izit cuz I is black?
How many new pokemon have debuted?
I've got so far;
Buoysel (movie only)
Mime Jr
Lucario (movie only)
Greggeru (upcoming episode)
Tamanta (movie only)
Manaphy (movie only)

Feel free to add any that I forgot or missed. But 17 pokemon (plus 4 with movie roles) out of 106 in the first seven of probably well over a hundred episodes isn't bad going.


Contaminated KFC
Tamanta was seen for a split second in DP01, slightly obscured by a Mantine and Magikarp that jumped out in front of it.

Uggh. I don't know what's worse; The fact that I noticed this in the first place, of the fact that I always manage to spot all the really horrible pokémon while better ones are onscreen.

Oh and ChaosMage, you also forgot Bippa and it's awesome psychotic evolution.

Korobooshi Kojiro

I'm still shocked Bippa hasn't got a filler yet........

We really haven't had a "Pokemon of the day" episode yet really. The Greggle *might* be one though, but the other Pokemon have more screentime then Greggle does in the preview.