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Overusing Psychic legendaries?


Unknown Trainer
Do you think Nintendo is overusing Psychic legendaries? There have been at least 2 Psychic legendaries in every generation of Pokemon.
i agree, i counted and altogether there are 12 legendary psychic types, it think there should have been more types used
psychic types are my favorite type overall, but i am just getting sick of all the psychic legendaries


Staff member
Meh, not really. Psychic is one of the best types, so it's only natural that it will be used many times for the best Pokemon. :/

Meowth! That's right!

Cat Pokemon Trainer
I guess Legendary and Psychic go hand in hand.... I mean, if you could grant wishes and travel through time, you'd have to have some sort of supernatural power!


Leave my posts alone
It isn't suprising at the amount of Psychic's in D/P, but also the lack or Dragons, as Extrasensory said. I think almost everyone here was certain the a Dragon Legendary trio was going to be produced...
Psychic is a dominant type that actually has a broad range of availability in moves/attacks, and stats. Some Psychics could actually focus upon other stats instead of Special Attack.
But with the soon-to-over-populate type known as Psychic, there will always be that extra Psychic for a slight variation in teams (Chimecho for example)
psychic is a wierd supernatural type. For people to percive it as a legend it has to be able to do something extraordinary.


Well-Known Member
Cause Psychic is considered to be the best type and is abused by GF with there Legendarys


Shinx <3
I think it's just normal that there are Psychic in every game. They're Legendaries so it should be normal that they be kind of Psi and all.


The new tuxedo look!
Psychics have cool powers, hence they become the staple legendary type.

I do agree that there are too many thogh.


Well-Known Member
I'm agreeing with Miiche. Psychic is a supernatural type and the powers are seen as extraordinary/special. Narurally it will go hand in hand with Legendaries.

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
Psychic = supernatural powers, thats why.

But if that was the case, they should have some more ghost legendaries.


Borderline Troll
Edness: Super-Natural?

Psychic abillities comes from using extensive brain waves to manipulate atoms, for as you may remember, Mewtwo was born in a lab, created by science.
It makes more sense to have psychic legendaries...
For instance: do you think anyone would care for a bug legendary? Psychics are mysterious and cool, that's why they're used as legedaries.


Well-Known Member
as much as i love psy pokemon, they need less legends of them.


We just seem to relate anything that we doesn't entirely fit into any other type Psychic, like Solrock and Lunatone. Anything other-wordly basically gets given psychic powers and then it's psychic, thus all the psychic ledgendaries. Imo anyway.