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Overworld Pokemon Sprites


No, this is not a project. This is simply to share to you guys the Pokemon Overworld Sprites that I have ripped off from Pokemon: Mysterious Dungeon and Pokemon Pinball Ru/Sa. Yes, this are especially useful for making those Sprite Comics. Now, you guys won't have to use those Pokemon Sprites that you see in Ru/Sa/Emerald, FR/LG when you look up on your Pokemon team.

I will add more, however, but as of now, these are the sprites I have ripped off! Enjoy! XD

And also a little note, please give credit to where you found these, meaning here! XD I would appreciate it.

Bulbasaur and Torchic
Charmander and Mudkip
Skitty and Trapinch
Treecko and Pikachu

And no, I don't do requests, sorry... You'll jsut have to wait until I have the time to rip off the Pokemon you want to use from your comic. Might take some time though... o_O;;;

I dunno if you guys want to help on this. This isn't really a project. So, sorry, no helping. I will do this on my own on my free time, so meh, that it.

Okay, now, that ends my part, any comments or suggestions?


<- Kawaii ^^
've seen some of them, but I can't see them now, page is not found.


Rinrei said:
've seen some of them, but I can't see them now, page is not found.
Ah? Are you sure about that? Let me double check the links....

Well, they all seem to work... must be your browser... XD


Well-Known Member
Dark Venusaur said:
Wow they look great but the trapinch could of been a little darker orange.

;003;Dark Venusaur;003;

you misuderstood the point of this, he/she didnt make these, theyre ripped


Normal Coordinator
These need to go in the Sprite Resources thread. You are wrong, because the Sprite Resource thread is for any materials found, or ripped. When someone tells you something, most of the time, you should listened, because you're going to get yourself into a bad position by not listening.
Electabuzz said:
These need to go in the Sprite Resources thread. You are wrong, because the Sprite Resource thread is for any materials found, or ripped. When someone tells you something, most of the time, you should listened, because you're going to get yourself into a bad position by not listening.
I know your not talking to me like that and i did not know

;003;Dark Venusaur;003;


Dark Venusaur said:
Wow they look great but the trapinch could of been a little darker orange.

;003;Dark Venusaur;003;

Yeah, if only Pinball could have done batter! XD

And you guys are confusing me...

I do not wish to put this in the thread wich you gave a link out of. And if I did, however, I would put a link there directing to this thread here. And besides, I have to add more Pokemon Overworld Sprites so that thread you guys mentioned above is not enough and it will tkae the people time to seach for all the Pokemon Overworld Sprites I ripped just in case I posted it in that thread one by one. See why I made this thread?