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Parukia or Diarukia?

Diarugia or Parukia?

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Parukia or Diarukia? Which do you like better? I like Diarugia cause its part steel!

Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
Its Diaruga, not Diarugia or Diarukia.

I prefer Parukia. Why? He's cooler than Diaruga.
Diarugia is so much cooler than Parukia. The water type is so over done that a legendary being water type is pointless. Steel is cooler anyways. Besides, Diarugia learns better moves :D.
Dialga because it is a dog. And I don't like the design of Palkia that much. And Dialga is in Diamond and I am getting Diamond to get Manene!^_^
Dialga because it is a dog. And I don't like the design of Palkia that much. And Dialga is in Diamond and I am getting Diamond to get Manene!^_^

Off Topic - Mime Jr. is in Pearl too, its just rare.

On Topic - Diarugia also looks like a dog too, thats cool :D. Also, Parikia, ugh, he just looks ugly!
parukia is more original by looks, though I prefer dialga's typing~

oh well. I'm getting pearl but I shan't use either~


Parukia, Hands down.

Intresting type combo, Great move pool, And it's looks better.

Diaruka is cool too, But Parukia owns it imo.

AJ Flibble

Parukia. Although I prefer Kingdra out of the Water/Dragons, Parukia is also very cool, and isn't as fapped off at as Diaruga is, and has more class too.


you ever just wanna pierce the heavens?
Parukia winz at life. Seriously. Only one weakness.
Plus, it looks kinda like a pink winged Godzilla.
EDIT: Aaah, forgot to mention that Parukia's move is WAY better. Come on, GF! Did we really need another Hyper Beam?

;136; Dude
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healer o pain

<==want shiny of it
Both are sweet legendaries. Although diaruga is cooler, I still like both for parukia's space break move and diaruga's time roar


Well-Known Member
I'd go with Parukia

1.)It looks way cooler
2.)Has higher speed when you catch it