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pass scarfs


Because Pass Scarf turns SOME moves that enemies use on you back to themselves or other Pokemon


Well-Known Member
When a pass scarf backfires another pokemon's move, your pokemon doesn't take any damage but the other will. Also, every step/move up take will subtract 5 from your hunger.


Moon Prism Power!
When a pokemon attacks you, it'll take that attack and pass it on to another pokemon next to you if your holding it. That's why it's called pass scarf. But personally I think they're deadly. I was in buried relic yesterday trying to find Mew and i was very tired and i was watching t.v. and a sandshrew that was holding one came up to me so i was pressing A button without looking continously and then i looked back and I saw I had low health and didn't know what caused it and i thought it was just a strong super effective move so I attacked again and BAM!! 179 damage and i'm done. Also it's killed my parter and myself when my partner was holding it in some other dungeon, i suggest not using it unless your very careful...


Better then you
I only use them when I'm in a level 1 dungeon. They don't help most of the time in Purity Forest though.


Dragon Tamer -#1FAN!
and, Selfdestructs+explosions cut RIGHT THROUGH pass scarfs! oh, and here's some kick ***** WM's for e'm:

Mt. Steel:
Client: Venusaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 1F
Reward: Pass Scarf + ? + ?
F?FF 6?0? 4??6
!1?? F4?6 --5??

Client: Venusaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 2F
Reward: Pass Scarf + ? + ?
1?FF 6?F? 4?6?
21?? F??6 --???

Client: Venusaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 3F
Reward: Poke + Pass Scarf
F?8F 6?(...)? 4?66
K1?? F4?6 --4??

Client: Charizard
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 4F
Reward: Poke + Pass Scarf
1?8F N?F? ??76
94?6 F??6 --C??

Client: Charizard
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 5F
Reward: Poke + Pass Scarf
??8F N?T? ??76
!4?6 F4?6 --T??

Client: Charizard
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 6F
Reward: Poke + Pass Scarf
1?8F N?0? ??N?
R4?6 F??6 --7??

Client: Beedrill
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 7F
Reward: Poke + Pass Scarf
F?8F 9?(...)? 4?N?
S1?N F4?6 --!??

Client: Beedrill
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 8F
Reward: Poke + Pass Scarf
1?8F 9?Y? 4?P6
81?N F??6 ----??

and, for: mt. Thunder:

Client: Beedrill
Objective: Escort to Blastoise
Place: Mt. Thunder 1F
Reward: Poke + Pass Scarf
F?8H 9?+? 4??6
3F?7 F4?0 --M??

Client: Beedrill
Objective: Escort to Blastoise
Place: Mt. Thunder 2F
Reward: Poke + Pass Scarf
1?8H 9?(...)? 4?6?
9F?7 F??0 --K??

Client: Beedrill
Objective: Escort to Blastoise
Place: Mt. Thunder 3F
Reward: Poke + Pass Scarf
F?8H 9?Y? 4?66
MF?7 F4?0 --Q??

Client: Beedrill
Objective: Escort to Blastoise
Place: Mt. Thunder 4F
Reward: Poke + Pass Scarf
4?8H 9?T? 4?76
FF?7 F??0 --K??

Client: Beedrill
Objective: Escort to Blastoise
Place: Mt. Thunder 5F
Reward: Poke + Pass Scarf
4?8H 9?S? 4?7?
?F?7 F4?0 --N??

Client: Beedrill
Objective: Escort to Blastoise
Place: Mt. Thunder 6F
Reward: Poke + Pass Scarf
4?8H 9?0? 4?N6
MF?7 F??0 --3??

Client: Beedrill
Objective: Escort to Blastoise
Place: Mt. Thunder 7F
Reward: Poke + Pass Scarf
??8H 9?0? 4?N?
9F?7 F4?0 --K??

and some others :

Client: Raichu
Objective: Find a Blast Seed
Place: Wish Cave 98F
Reward: Poke + Pass Scarf
F68F T?S? ??56
K4?8 0N?T --6??

Client: Raichu
Objective: Find a Blast Seed
Place: Wish Cave 97F
Reward: Poke + Pass Scarf
168F T?(...)? ??46
--4?8 0C?T --4??

Buried Relic:

Client: Ninetales
Objective: Find a Pecha Berry
Place: Buried Relic 97F
Reward: Poke + Pass Scarf
F68S C?Y? ?F4?
34?0 FC?T --N??

Client: Ninetales
Objective: Find a Pecha Berry
Place: Buried Relic 98F
Reward: Poke + Pass Scarf
168S C?S? ?F56
64?0 FN?T --R??

Western Cave:

Client: Vileplume
Objective: Find a Oran Berry
Place: Western Cave 96F
Reward: Pass Scarf + ? + ?
16F3 --?(...)? 434?
--F?(...) 87?T --Q??

Client: Vileplume
Objective: Find a Oran Berry
Place: Western Cave 97F
Reward: Pass Scarf + ? + ?
?6F3 --?0? 434?
6F?(...) 8M?T --C??

Client: Vileplume
Objective: Find a Oran Berry
Place: Western Cave 98F
Reward: Pass Scarf + ? + ?
46F3 --?S? 4356
+F?(...) 87?T --9??


ooo, what's cooking?
if u use pass scar on teammate, they'll pass on to u!
only use um for lvl1 dungeons, or it'll be to hard, takes to much food.


I like cheerios.
They are usually used in Lv. 1 dungeons and I believe they Pass off all Physical attacks and some few other attacks.