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Pasta La Vista! (422)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Pasta La Vista!

After the Saffron City Contest, Ash & Co. find a Fighting Dojo in Saffron City, however one of the trainers there has had a disagreement with May so Ash & May decide to take part in the Fighting Dojo's battles and face the trainer...but they wind up battling eachother. Who will win?

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♥Princess Ketchum♥

#1 Ash Satoshi Lover
i hope ash wins XD Its cool seeing Ash vs May


Marsh Trainer
Just a question: they fight with their own Pokemon or with "Rental Pokemon"?. In the episode's preview, it seemed that May used a Hitmonchan and Ash used a Hitmonlee.


Well-Known Member
Eddieursa said:
Just a question: they fight with their own Pokemon or with "Rental Pokemon"?. In the episode's preview, it seemed that May used a Hitmonchan and Ash used a Hitmonlee.

Did you not just answer you own question? Since they're fighting with hitmonlee/hitmonchan and neither Ash or May own either of these pokemon I think it's obvious that they're battling with pokemon belonging to the dojo.


Izit cuz I is black?
This episode, despite being a huge waste of potential, looks very good and excellently animated. It'll easily be the best of the saga so far no matter what happens.

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
Quite true. The animation looks to be very good. There's nothing like a good old fashioned beat down. Though TR will interrupt the battle like they do always. *Kills TR but they recover* Frak it all.
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Yeah, ok!
ChaosMage said:
This episode, despite being a huge waste of potential, looks very good and excellently animated. It'll easily be the best of the saga so far no matter what happens.

Ash and May battling alone makes this episode good. Although I still wish we got a Grovyle Vs. Combusken match, the two of them controlling the two Hitmon's should be very good as well.

I wonder who will win!? It could go either way.

Haunter Hunter Sohrab

Johto Champion
Everyone keeps talking about Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan, but why not Hitmontop? I mean he's also in the show.


Well-Known Member
Haunter Hunter Sohrab said:
Everyone keeps talking about Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan, but why not Hitmontop? I mean he's also in the show.

I don't think hitmontop was used in the battle between Ash and May, which is where the majority of the focus seems to be...


Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
Churly said:
I'll be the first to ask the question thats on everyones mind.

Is Jessie's Hair back to normal?

Second question being, who won? Unless Team Rocket interupted the battle so it never ended so there isn't a winner or a loser.


Lupin said:
Second question being, who won? Unless Team Rocket interupted the battle so it never ended so there isn't a winner or a loser.

If Rocketto Dan dosen't interfere with the battle, I'm hoping Satoshi winds up winning. I know they're using Pokemon they've never used before, but over three years experience in training and battling gives Satoshi a bit of an edge.

Also, Haruka just had her Zenigame learn Ice Beam and in the very next episode (much to my distaste) beat Harley in the contest she was in. If they let Haruka win this too, it would make it look like the writers favor Haruka over the other characters (well, more so then usual). I think it's Satoshi's turn to win.
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Elite 4 Champion
Havent seen the episode yet but im sure that if the battle isn't interupted and nothing stupid happens then ash will win. He's more experienced then may and a better battler and has alot more confidence in himself then may has in herself. The time where Torchic battled i think it was tailow was the stupidest thing i ever saw. torchic used ember on ash therefore he couldn't command taillow anymore and he lost.lol, what the hell was that. but anyway may couldn't beat him in a fair battle at that time so that was the only way.


Yeah, ok!
Nobody won the match. TR interrupted as usual and they didn't finish battling afterwards. I call cop out!
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Blaziken master

Looked at the pics on the main site

I'm not sure of what was going on,but as well as a breloom cameo,there was also a hariyama.The hitmontop belonged to the girl and used it against TR.This ep made me think of the hitmontop debut because TR made a pointless return at the end of the ep and the Dojo master almost looked the same,except he had a hooked nose.

V Faction

I. Hate. TR.

They degraded this episode. Pure and simple. There was no reason at all to interupt that spectacular match. Is this all that they're good for, cutting in on a major fight to bring the adrenaline down?

Otherwise, a fantastic episode. Good animation. I don't see why they didn't opt for a more in-game relation, but oh well. Very Japanish.


Elite 4 Champion
I agree with V Faction this was a good episode, and could've been even better if TR didnt interupt the match. Man its times like this that i hate them. It was great to see Hariyama. The animation was very good. Jessie has her hair back to normal. Man Hitmochan was fast, when he was getting couple of hits in may was so excited thats why they had the firey background, but when ash had hitmonlee knee hitmochan in the face and make it fall down may's face was priceless. lol.


Yeah, ok!
It seems like the writers are too scared to ever have a definite winner between Ash or May. Whenever they battle each other they never have a "real" ending.

Are they really worried that people will think May is stronger than Ash if she beats him in a real battle? Or are they worried that Ash will put May in her place in a non-contest battle?

It seems they don't want to have either Ash or May have a clear victory over the other.


Battle Factory Champion
Man what a drag, so obvious in was going to end in a tie.

Yeah Team Rocket become irritable in situations like this but they're only made out to be because the writers haven't got any other frigging ideas in how to finish ties off. Either that or they just play it out until the narrator concludes the episode, which sucks too.