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PBR Box art!


God is a DJ
Hey guys, Aussie-Nintendo posted PBR's box art and here it is:


Looks like it's going Wi-Fi

Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
I wouldn't trust it if it's from Aussie-Nintendo, thre not an official site, and don't yu think that Japan would release the cover before Australians?


God is a DJ
A-N got it from gonintendo which gonintendo got it from the Japan Site. Making it 'legit'


Sometimes a bit rude
Bloody hell, they had to ruin the awesome box-art by throwing in the worse pokemon ever, Pikachu *has a fit then foams at the mouth*

O Fortuna

Velut luna.
So, some of you are actually surprised Pikachu's on the cover? I'm not. It's the first Pokemon game to be put on the Wii. Heaven forbid they should want to showcase the mascot... I think Pikachu's cute anyhow.

This boxart is indeed very nice. It has actually upped my desire to purchase this game just seeing the box. The Pokemon on there (especially Palkia) look very smooth, it's nice.


The Lost Mareep
Yea I posted this yesterday, I like it although it could do with some more actual art, it looks a bit blergh. Never mind, I'm actually liking it, it just seems a little unoriginal.


Salingerian Phony
The Japanese like Pikachu. They honestly can't get enough of him. Or Pichu. Or Plusle/Minun. Or the squirrel thingy.

O Fortuna

Velut luna.
When will they learn that NOBODY likes Pikachu?

I like Pikachu. Just because you don't like Pikachu means nothing. Seriously, the thing sells better than any single one other Pokemon so it's not going away anytime soon. Plus, it's bad-arse on SSB.
That's looking really nice. It's not that different from any of the other Stadium games really. Pikachu does, however, look a little out of place.


Well-Known Member
I like the cover. I think it looks kool with the Mascots and the starters. Pikachu didnt have to be there however.


Infinity's got 23
My only gripe is how terrible the Wii box things are (The Wii thing in the corner), but nothing related to the PBR box. The PBR Box is excellent