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Pbr Jp Release Date!!!


Well-Known Member
The confirmed date for the relase of PBR is Decembre the 14th. So...we have D/P in japanese released and the date for JP BR...but still no release date for D/P in the US...


Well-Known Member
I believe this is really old news.

But good topic, bout the fact no release date for English DP.

I bet NOA is really screwing up right now when it comes to translating. They should be smart and release it ASAP, but they want people to buy Pokemon Ranger for Christmas. Bad move imo >_>


Well-Known Member
christmas? It'll be out for halloween! But NVM...out of topic


Well-Known Member
Oh! And sorry for DP, but a new Battle Revolution video came out...a bit more of the Groudon/Kyogre vs Diaruga/Parukia battle


Well-Known Member
Diamond and Pearl will not be out by Halloween. NOA would have some sort of advertisement for it, no matter how much anyone wishes for it to come out early.

The videos are old, trust me. Also, don't double post


Well-Known Member
I was talking about Ranger...it'll be out on the 30th...


Well-Known Member
Yay more old news. The video's are old too. This whole Thread is old


The Plot Thickens
I'm guessing the us release date will be like june or july.


I believe this is really old news.

But good topic, bout the fact no release date for English DP.

I bet NOA is really screwing up right now when it comes to translating. They should be smart and release it ASAP, but they want people to buy Pokemon Ranger for Christmas. Bad move imo >_>

Oh, well some people didn't know that....LIKE ME!

Pokemaníaco Desesperado

Normal Coordinator
I'm guessing the us release date will be like june or july.
Impossible. That's almost a whole year from the first region to the second, they haven't taken that much time in many years, and that's talking about the time period between Japan and Europe =/

forget everything I said, my mind was over D/P >.< However, I wouldn't deny PBR coming before June.
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Kyogre Trainer
IF NOA was smart this is what I think they should do (in the US/PAL regions anyways)

November(around Thanksgiving)
Release D/P

December (early)
Release Pokemon Ranger
Make the Manafi quest available as soon as you beat the game.
Nintendo advertises that by connecting pokemon ranger and D/P you get the ultra-rare pokemon, Manafi!!!

Then BR around January/Feburary
why not have a bonus disk that has the item to catch Darkrai shemi(sp?), or Aruseus
Or advertise it with a different rare pokemon with a special move and an item. (My hope would be a leichi berry).
Then for those who don't pre-order they could put one or two of the following in the game. Deoxys, Jirachi, mew, or celebi.


Queen of Charizards!
IF NOA was smart this is what I think they should do (in the US/PAL regions anyways)

November(around Thanksgiving)
Release D/P

December (early)
Release Pokemon Ranger
Make the Manafi quest available as soon as you beat the game.
Nintendo advertises that by connecting pokemon ranger and D/P you get the ultra-rare pokemon, Manafi!!!

Then BR around January/Feburary
why not have a bonus disk that has the item to catch Darkrai shemi(sp?), or Aruseus
Or advertise it with a different rare pokemon with a special move and an item. (My hope would be a leichi berry).
Then for those who don't pre-order they could put one or two of the following in the game. Deoxys, Jirachi, mew, or celebi.

Okay one thing. It doesn't take two months for NOA to Translate Diamond and Pearl. Secondly Ranger comes out in a few days and it is "the Road to Diamond and Pearl". Third, D/P is being released here in the USA in teh Spring. So techincally PBR will come out sometime in the summmer. OR maybe May.


Queen of Charizards!
2008 for the UK. Doesn't that sound way to Late for you guys


Queen of Charizards!
Yeah Maybe you guys will get Diamond and Pearl around August of next year or something. I wish UK version was released the same time as us Americans. Why is it that you get it later. Is there any difference?