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PBR Needs more Life like Effects.


In previous Big Screen games, I have noticed Great mistakes that are quite odd:

1: Certain Flying pokemon (Skarmory for example) are standing on the ground, but when an opponent uses earthquake, it doesn't hit Skarmory even though it's on the ground. (Why not make it fly right when the move is used?)

2: Mud Shot isn't ground based, but is a ground move, yet it doesn't hit flying types.

3: The fact that the move Tickle doesn't make Ditto transform to normal.

4: The battles are too easy.

5: There isn't a Gender choice at the beggining of the game.

6:the floating fish in 3D Pokemon games needs to be fixed.~HERLS
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I agree with all of this.

And whilst we're on the topic of realism, the floating fish in 3D Pokemon games needs to be fixed.


floating Wailords are scary o.o

I really want to see Pokemon *dodge* attacks.. not just stand there as if nothing happened with a "Foe's attack missed!" message.. this might be likely if Pokemon actually make contact now.
Pokemon also need to emote status effects more, like flying/dancing Pokemon would plop down when they're asleep instead of closing their eyes and confused Pokemon would stagger around (like Spinda).. other nonmarked effects like Leech Seed and Spikes also need to be visible until the effect ends.

Mud Shot won't likely be changed unless it's changed in the main game.


Sprout Aficionado
I agree with everything except for mudshot. As realistic as it would be it would not be possible with the current type system.


Torterra Firma
Also, what bout poisoned and burned pokemon? I wanna see them look worse and worse until...


Well-Known Member
yutts, I agree with you totally.


Borderline Troll
In previous Big Screen games, I have noticed Great mistakes that are quite odd:

1: Certain Flying pokemon (Skarmory for example) are standing on the ground, but when an opponent uses earthquake, it doesn't hit Skarmory even though it's on the ground. (Why not make it fly right when the move is used?)

2: Mud Shot isn't ground based, but is a ground move, yet it doesn't hit flying types.

3: The fact that the move Tickle doesn't make Ditto transform to normal.

4: The battles are too easy.

5: There isn't a Gender choice at the beggining of the game.

6:the floating fish in 3D Pokemon games needs to be fixed.~HERLS

That's a good idea but Gamefreak is too blind-sighted to agree...


Sometimes a bit rude
That's a good idea but Gamefreak is too blind-sighted to agree...

Gamefreak isn't making it, its Genius Sonority :p

What is a goldeen gonna do on land other than flop around? Exactly.

The only one I think would be good on the ground is Gyarados, because it can coil up like a snake, but its flying type, which kinda makes sense of it flying. Not sure if Milotic floats too, but it would work on the ground.


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Well-Known Member
Agree with all your points. Especially this
6:the floating fish in 3D Pokemon games needs to be fixed.~HERLS

What the hell! the fish are of the ground more than flying pokemon!

Miss Rarity

A rarity to come by
All the fish pokemon should flop around on land, flying pokemon should fly and levitating pokemon should levitate (GENGAR), Water pokemon should look wet, and once a pokemon falls asleep they should not move around.

Valoc Darkmyre

Steel Type Hunter
I like some of your ideas for changes, but I doubt that they'll happen unless they're done in the handheld games as well. While we're on this subject, I think that when a flying or levitating Pokémon is put to sleep or frozen it should fall to the ground, thus making it vulnerable to those Ground attacks that it's normally immune to. Also, I think that the Ground move Bonemerang is really screwed up because it's applied that it's a bone boomerang that's thrown, yet even being thrown it still can't hit Flying types just because it's a Ground attack. =/


Sneasel Fanboy
I like some of your ideas for changes, but I doubt that they'll happen unless they're done in the handheld games as well. While we're on this subject, I think that when a flying or levitating Pokémon is put to sleep or frozen it should fall to the ground, thus making it vulnerable to those Ground attacks that it's normally immune to. Also, I think that the Ground move Bonemerang is really screwed up because it's applied that it's a bone boomerang that's thrown, yet even being thrown it still can't hit Flying types just because it's a Ground attack. =/

Unless a levitating pokemon levitates uncontrollably like magnemite.

and i agree with you type effectiveness should be more based on the actual attack intead of just its type, but type should still come into play.

Nintendo will never do or will gamefreak nor genius sonority

Valoc Darkmyre

Steel Type Hunter
Unless a levitating pokemon levitates uncontrollably like magnemite.
Uh, I was talking about Pokés that have the Levitate ability, like Koffing. Magnemite doesn't have that ability, even though it seems like it should; its possible abilities are Magnet Pull and Sturdy. =P


OG Trainer
I understand what u mean man. It doesnt make sence to have a ground attack not affect a flying type who is on the ground. I think that abilities should add to the realism. For example flash fire. If an arcanine use fire blast it would hit the pokemon and it would be absorbed or something instead of the text box coming up and telling you it doent affaect the attacked fire type.


jenni is 14 :(
i was thinking about this when battling during my colosseum recently.

it's just in 3d, but doesn't really add to the realism at all =/

in addition to what a lot of you have already said, i'd love it if weather effects were constant, not the in-between-rounds it rains for a split seconds and you get a message "it continues raining"

I like some of your ideas for changes, but I doubt that they'll happen unless they're done in the handheld games as well. While we're on this subject, I think that when a flying or levitating Pokémon is put to sleep or frozen it should fall to the ground, thus making it vulnerable to those Ground attacks that it's normally immune to. Also, I think that the Ground move Bonemerang is really screwed up because it's applied that it's a bone boomerang that's thrown, yet even being thrown it still can't hit Flying types just because it's a Ground attack. =/
sadly, i doubt they'd ever get that complex (though i really wish they would)
for instance a person with a burn is engulfed in surf or muddy water, yet it's still burning.... must be a grease fire or something =|


Burn bright & strong
Maybe because in the pokemon world, their technology is so high that they invented some sort of "invisible personal aquarium" to help the trainers use fish pokemon, how else are the trainers supposed to fight.

Imagine if you want to defeat a very strong foe using your wailord, but there is no water, so you have no choice but to see it do nothing and faint. but this just my idea.