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Perfect Starter Pokemon

Please vote and Reply.

  • Bulbasaur.

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • Squirtle.

    Votes: 8 28.6%
  • Charmander.

    Votes: 17 60.7%

  • Total voters

Trainer Mehmet

Hello here you cab vote too for your perfect and Strongest Starter Pokemon of Red and Blue version of Pokemon game. Here you can vote and Please tell me why. But this can be used by the Remake of this Pokemon game that can become later by mine vote. Because the game names is Pokemon Leafgrean and Pokemon Firered.

Mine Strongest starter is Squirtle because with squirtle at Level 7 with Water Gun can I beat the Gym Leader named Brock the Gym leader of second City that you came by that game. And the evolution of Squirtle is awesome the Final evolution ofcourse. Maybe you know already the gaint Squirtle with the Gaintic Canon named........ Blastoise.


Mew The Origin
Hello here you cab vote too for your perfect and Strongest Starter Pokemon of Red and Blue version of Pokemon game. Here you can vote and Please tell me why. But this can be used by the Remake of this Pokemon game that can become later by mine vote. Because the game names is Pokemon Leafgrean and Pokemon Firered.

Mine Strongest starter is Squirtle because with squirtle at Level 7 with Water Gun can I beat the Gym Leader named Brock the Gym leader of second City that you came by that game. And the evolution of Squirtle is awesome the Final evolution ofcourse. Maybe you know already the gaint Squirtle with the Gaintic Canon named........ Blastoise.

Umm... first of all you said vote our STRONGEST starter pokemon and many of our starters would have already reached its final evolution by now, and yet those choices are not available in the polls... Second of all we all know what squirtle's final evolution is so there is no need to tell us as if it was some kind of new info...


*cough http://serebiiforums.com/announcement.php?f=136 cough*

First, The Gym Leaders are easy to beat. ._.

Second, Any of the starters can beat Brock. Charmander/meleon used Metal Claw!

Third, I doubt anybodys running around with a level 100 charmander and is using it for real. o_O


An old PS luva!
Well, you say that now but i've got charmander for my scramble LG challenge, she's currently at level 30. I've still got 5 more gyms to go, the elite 4 and the champion to beat. who knows where she's gonna end up. then i might be using a lv 100 charmander for real...

sorry couldn't resist!

Me fav LF/FR starter is Charmander btw!

Shiny Venusaur

Internet Relic
bulbasur FTW!!!


Well-Known Member
I favor water starters since you don't have to go through the liberty of finding a Pkmn to teach Surf to, but in D&P Naetle's my style. Why?...I don't know, but I know ppl think im off-topic so im going right back on. Although I've used water starters every first run w/ a game and grass after, I voted for Charmander b/c the fact that he was so easy to raise. Along w Lv. 2 Mankey, I reached Cerulean City w/ the Pkmn...Charizard and Primeape both lv. 36. I think that Charmander can be a pain inthe *** to raise in the beginnig, but it becomes fairly easy throughout your gameplay.


Well-Known Member

I picked:

Squritle in RBY
Totodile in GSC
Mudkip in RSE
Squirtle in Fr/Lg


Well-Known Member
Charmander with its awesome Special Attack

Trainer Mehmet

And by here is Charmander at the 1st place with 10 Votes. The 2nd place is Squirtle with 5 Votes and with the 3 votes i?s Bulbasaur at the 3rd place.


Blaziken rules!

My favourite Starter Pokémon is Charmander, because he can learn strong attacks as Charizard.