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Petunia's Trade Thread (lots of shiny/legendary)


Devoted Spriter
MOST of the shinys I have are legit, if there is a * next to the pokemons name, then its hacked


Pidgey lv 5
Eevee lv 5
Zigzagoon lv 2
Ralts Lv 4
Wingull Lv 4
Lileep Lv 5
Vulpix Lv 5
Phanpy Lv 5
Cascoon Lv 5
Silcoon Lv 5
Swablu Lv 5
Dratini Lv 5
Ponyta Lv 5
Scyther Lv 5
Mareep Lv 5
Kangaskhan Lv 5
Aerodactyl Lv 5
Anorith Lv 5
Absol Lv 5
Growlithe Lv 5
Marill Lv 5
Wailmer Lv 5
Pichu Lv 6
Abra Lv 7
Nincada Lv 7 (x2)
Skitty Lv 7
Beldum Lv 7
*Kingdra Lv 10
*Tyranitar Lv 10
*Dragonite Lv 10
Treecko Lv 5
Charmander Lv 5 (not likely to trade)
Totodile Lv 5
Chikorita Lv 5
*Charizard Lv 10
*Typhlosion Lv 10
*Feraligatr Lv 10
*Blastoise Lv 10
*Venusaur Lv 10
*Celebi Lv 2
*Lugia Lv 2
*Registeel Lv 2
*Regice Lv2
*Regirock Lv 2
*Latias Lv 2
*Latios Lv 2
*Kyogre Lv 2
*Groudon Lv 2
*Rayquaza Lv 2
*Mew Lv 2
Mew Lv 30 (not likely to trade)
*Mewtwo Lv 10
*Jirachi Lv 2
*Ho-oh Lv 10
Oddish Lv 13
Flareon Lv 17 (not likely to trade)
Vaporeon Lv 20 (not likely to trade)
Jolteon Lv 20 (not likely to trade)
Leafeon Lv 20 (not likely to trade)
Glaceon Lv 20 (not likely to trade)
Espeon Lv 20 (not likely to trade)
Umbreon Lv 20 (not likely to trade)
Eevee Lv 5 (not likely to trade)
Electrike Lv 16
Torchic Lv 13 (on hold)
*Meganium Lv 11
*Articuno Lv 11
*Moltres Lv 11
*Zapdos Lv 11
*Raikou Lv 11
* Entei Lv 11
*Suicune Lv 11
Deoxys Lv 30 (not likely to trade)
Mightyena Lv 35
Ditto Lv 38
Feraligatr Lv 32
Charizard Lv 36 (not likely to trade)
Typhlosion Lv 36 (not likely to trade)
Pupitar Lv 49 (not likely to trade)
Latios Lv 50 (not likely to trade)
Lugia Lv 70 (not likely to trade)
Ho-oh Lv 70 (not likely to trade)

Friend Code: 1375-4096-3942
Name: Kitty

I'm looking for any 4th Gen Shiny Legendary, I'm not too picky if its legit or cloned, honestly... I don't care too much, iif it's NOT legit... but I prefer legit...

Note: I won't be on for more than 1/2 an hour at the moment, but I'll be on almost every night...
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Devoted Spriter
I'm looking for any 4th Gen Shiny Legendary, I'm not too picky if its legit or cloned, honestly... I don't care too much, iif it's NOT legit... but I prefer legit...