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Phantastic Pokemon Phor all Your Needs

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Well-Known Member
Mehhhhh. Your event I would place at a 2. My Victini is a four. What else do you have?

Yea I have other stuff but its not that serious. I actually dont think the victini is more valuable than careful jirachi with steath rock iron head and thunder punch gen 4 moves... not to mention the rarity of it being an event as well


Mr. Phantastic
Yea I have other stuff but its not that serious. I actually dont think the victini is more valuable than careful jirachi with steath rock iron head and thunder punch gen 4 moves... not to mention the rarity of it being an event as well

Eh, still not very interested. Sorry.


Stones of Baked Clay
I'm interested in ur Victini I can offer shiny flawless oak's letter Shyamin OT mat UT


King of Beets
I have a Shiny Deoxys (flawless) from FireRed. Would you trade it for your shiny Pokepark Mew?

The Deoxys was semi-redi, but now, if I trade it to you, it will be non-redi :,(
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DW Breeder
I was kinda looking at that movie 14 flawless victini, when I realized that I don't have anything worth anything to trade...

here are my DW pokes, you already have most of the good ones tho...

pkmnfn said:

If it means anything to you, I have:
the ability to pokeshift/EV train
a surfing and flying (I'd like to keep the flying one) pikachu in my soul silver
a pretty good PM regarding RNG'ing- a quite nice person sent me quite a lengthy PM on how to RNG... I can share it w/you...

please consider... thanks!

and... I'll guess that Vali's fave shiny is a... Charizard?


Moustache Cash Stash
Sorry for the delayed response. Check my shop for anything you would like for the Trapinch.


King of Beets
This post is for the ShinyDex.




Mr. Phantastic
I was kinda looking at that movie 14 flawless victini, when I realized that I don't have anything worth anything to trade...

here are my DW pokes, you already have most of the good ones tho...


If it means anything to you, I have:
the ability to pokeshift/EV train
a surfing and flying (I'd like to keep the flying one) pikachu in my soul silver
a pretty good PM regarding RNG'ing- a quite nice person sent me quite a lengthy PM on how to RNG... I can share it w/you...

please consider... thanks!

and... I'll guess that Vali's fave shiny is a... Charizard?
Sorry on the Giveaway. I would definetly accept a surfing pikachu on fourth gen for my Victini on Fifth gen.
Sorry for the delayed response. Check my shop for anything you would like for the Trapinch.
Sayy the Dratini:
Jolly • Female • Level 1 UT • With ExtremeSpeed and DW ability Marvel Scale?
Sound okay?
This post is for the ShinyDex.



You've already done that many? You are my favorite person in the whole world. :D


Moustache Cash Stash
Sayy the Dratini:
Jolly • Female • Level 1 UT • With ExtremeSpeed and DW ability Marvel Scale?
Sound okay?

Sure, sounds good.


I have a shiny Cacnea and Suicune. What's the IVs on that Totodile, UT? Cause if good, I'm interested... Also, what's UT mean? PM me about the trade/definition plz!
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How much is a French Darkrai Event worth in your point system?


DW Breeder
Sorry on the Giveaway. I would definetly accept a surfing pikachu on fourth gen for my Victini on Fifth gen.

I was wondering if there was anything that I could throw in to get a clone of it back?
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