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Phantasy star online


Lakers for life.
if anyone is still playing this, what is the easiest waay to beat the mines with a lv.22 HUmar? also how do i get the sword?
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Old Coot
Easiest way? Keep leveling until you're close to lvl 30. >_> Though which difficulty are you playing on?

And what sword are you talking about? There are a ton of sword and saber weapons on PSO. o_O


Old Coot
Again, a name of the weapon would be nice. PSO has a ton of different weapons that hit multiple enemies.


Lakers for life.
that one huge sword. the one that looks like a regular sword(in real life) with photon blades at the end. the name of it in the game is a sword


Still play it every now and again, but not the Gamecube version. If you do own the Gamecube version, and you live in the UK, sell it on ebay. It literly goes for HUNDREDS. It was one of those games they released about three copies of, along with Skies of Arcadia and a few others.. Don't think it has the same kind of value in the U.S. though.
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Old Coot
..Why would they sell it if they're trying to play it? Your logic makes absolutely no sense.

metafreak, I still haven't got a clue as to what the hell you're talking about. o_O I've played this game since the first Dreamcast version, and the description you're giving is VERY vague. As I said, there's way too many weapons that are similar to others. If you're talking about just a REGULAR basic Sword, please say so. It's not too difficult at all to find one as long as you have the right Section ID to find them. Skyly has the best chance of finding a Sword.


Didn't say you HAVE to sell it, I was just pointing out that if you own the Gamecube version it's worth quite a bit of money in the United Kingdom.


Lakers for life.
yes i mean the basic sword. i am a GREENILL so if that has any thing to do with getting the sword tell me. also, what is the easiest way to get musashi and Double saber/brand? how can you get the God items?
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