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Physical Sweeping Scizor?


Alright so I know Scizor is a good Baton Passer, but since I've never used a Baton Passer, does the strategy make use of Scizors attack power?

I was wondering if I could use this set as a sweeper, then Baton Pass as a last resort

Scizor @ Leftovers
170 Atk/170 Def/170 Spd
-Baton Pass
-Agility(For the lack of speed)
-X-Scissor(Main attacking move with STAB use)
-Swords Dance(For extra attacking power)

If this doesn't work, is there a good pokemon that can baton pass into Scizor giving him speed and attack?


New Member
my scizor:

salac or liechi depends on what u need, i'd go with liechi

Jolly/Adamant (depends on what u need the most)
swarm(some would argue technician, but since my guy is from 3rd gen, it cant get technician also since i liked the increase in STAB attacks)
Roost/Iron Head, roost for the survivability, Iron head for the STAB, the 30% flinch is a god-send for a sweeper.

Gliscor is a good BPer to pass on att and spd, since both are immune to sandstorm, you can even use these couple in a sandstorm team purely.

with the spd and att passed on from gliscor, this guy can do some serious damage, endure/reversal is perfect in a sandstorm situation and the leichi berry will give extra attack. main thing is make sure enough spd is passed on so that it can out run most of the opponents, or you can replace leichi with salac.

Dragon Dude

Well-Known Member
Alright so I know Scizor is a good Baton Passer, but since I've never used a Baton Passer, does the strategy make use of Scizors attack power?

I was wondering if I could use this set as a sweeper, then Baton Pass as a last resort

Scizor @ Leftovers
170 Atk/170 Def/170 Spd
-Baton Pass
-Agility(For the lack of speed)
-X-Scissor(Main attacking move with STAB use)
-Swords Dance(For extra attacking power)

If this doesn't work, is there a good pokemon that can baton pass into Scizor giving him speed and attack?
i like that set