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Pichu's "Cybersuits"


Well-Known Member
Basically, the comic I'm working on involves a few "suits," so I thought I could convert them into Pixelart. Here's the first one, Pichu's metal cybersuit:

I'm new at shading metals, so I know that shading isn't good. Anyways, C&C would be appreciated. Expect at least 3 more suits eventually.


wow. pichu gone bad..?
i like the idea, but possibly give the armor more of a shape than just a box.
just a bit too square for function!

good job!


Jirachi Master
fit the suit to pichu's curves. (said in above post but in a different way). And that shading is not that bad, I like it.


Well-Known Member
Okay. I listened to you guys about making the suit to fit Pichu's physical structure. So, here's the new and improved Metal Pichu Cybersuit:

I made him smaller and a little bit more chubby.

Okay, and for Pichu's new "Light" suit:

And is it me, or do his ears remind me of Diaruga?

Oh, and just a preview of some names of new suits i'll make:
Fusion Suit
Speed Suit (With a slight SSBM reference)
Energy/Power Suit
Dark Suit
Fusion Suit (Yes, I know, it's been done via Metroid)
Last edited:


uh, just to follow up
on the "new and improved" cybersuit...
it's still a box. look closely to pichu, and see the curves and body shape.
i suggest drawing a pichu, then covering it with the suit.

i like the light suit, though, it's still box-esque


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the constructive criticizm. I'm done with the Pixelart for tonight, but I will try drawing the suit over a Pichu. Good idea.


Guess Who's Back?
Off-Topic: I like your siggy, Zealot.
On-Topic: He needs metal wings. That'd be rad.


Well-Known Member
Off-Topic: I like your siggy, Zealot.
On-Topic: He needs metal wings. That'd be rad.
I'm sorry, that's just too funny to pass up... is it okay if I quote that?
Oh, and on-topic, when you say "Metal Wings," do you mean for the metal suit or the light suit?