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Which factor should I test next?

  • Place (test Ekans in the same place as the Magikarp)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Level (test, level up by 10, test again)

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Nature (get another Ekans of same level and characteristic but not this)

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Characteristic (get another Ekans of same level and nature but not this)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Species (test Ekans in the same place as the Magikarp)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Terrain (same pokemon, same area, but dirt road instead of tall grass)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Evolution (compare lv 10 Metapod to lv 10 Butterfree)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Make Absolute Certain that you Can't Get Items in Buildings

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .



1) Who noticed/didn't notice this mechanic before?
2) Any ideas for what to call this mechanic?

So, I noticed that every once in a while, when talking to the pokemon following you, you get the message "Hm? It looks like [insert pokemon name here] found something!" and then you get an item from it.

This is separate from the mechanic where your partner pokemon acts as a dowsing machine for hidden items, or when the pokemon following you goes to an item spawning spot and gets an exclamation mark, and lets you get items that way. (In fact, contrary to several sources, these are separate from EACH OTHER. I have gone to bushes before the pokemon following me, not gotten any tail-wagging from Eevee, talked to the bush, gotten nothing, and THEN the pokemon following me gets to the bush, gets excited, and "finds" an item there. So, yeah. That's a thing.) Anyway, I went looking online for anyone saying anything about the usual talking getting you items, and found nothing, so I went a little crazy and did some testing, the results of which I will share with you.

A) Moving is unnecessary to the process. Unlike the park in Diamond and Pearl, a given amount of steps has nothing to do with getting any items. Instead, just talk to the pokemon over and over and over, and eventually you'll get something... probably.

B) It seems you can get items from any type of pokemon following you, but not one being ridden. Yet to be properly tested.

C) It seems you can get items anywhere through this method so long as you're not in a building. Yet to be properly tested.

D) You get different items from different areas. From Route 3/4, I've gotten Razz Berries, Nanab Berries, and both the Silver and Golden versions of both. From Mt Moon, I've gotten only Star Dust. Whether it comes down to "area type" (town vs forest vs field vs cave) or whether each area has their own item likelihood breakdown, I don't know.

E) It seems you get better items and more frequently as you go up in levels. Yet to be thoroughly tested.

F) It seems some pokemon give you items more frequently than others. Yet to be thoroughly tested.

G) Thus far, neither natures nor characteristics seem to have a noticeable impact. Yet to be thoroughly tested.

If anyone has anything to contribute, or knows where all this has already been figured out, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. This is a seriously time-consuming process, especially if one wants statistically significant information.

If anyone actually cares about what I'm doing, please let me know. The lack of input is disheartening.
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